Ridley Scott, the award-winning director of “Alien,” “Gladiator” and “Prometheus” mysteriously debuted the new international teaser trailer for his upcoming movie “The Counselor” in Russian before the English version, the Los Angeles Times reported this week.
To judge by the trailer, “The Counselor,” which stars Brad Pitt and is based on a screenplay by Pulitzer-prize winning author Cormac McCarthy, is set in west Texas and also features Javier Bardem, Penelope Cruz and a cheetah, whose significance is unknown. Although the Russian trailer was swiftly removed from Youtube by 20th Century Fox and replaced by the English version, it has since reappeared.
Ridley Scott’s last movie, “Prometheus” grossed over $400 million worldwide. “The Counselor” will be released in October.
/RIA Novosti/