08 June 2005 [08:43]
12th International Exhibition and Conference Caspian Oil and Gas, Incorporating Oil and Petrochemicals were opened at the Heydar Aliyev Sport and Concert Complex yesterday.
07 June 2005 [09:16]
The traditional ‘Oil and Gas Exhibition and Conference, Incorporating Refining and Petrochemicals’ exhibition will be held at in the Sports and Exhibition Coplex named after Heydar Aliyev on 7-10 June.
07 June 2005 [09:02]
Armenia increased export of wood materials to other countries 6 times for the account of the forests situated in the occupied regions of Azerbaijan.
07 June 2005 [08:46]
Over the first 5 months of 2005 25,433.8 bn manats has been invested in the telecommunications sector of Azerbaijan.
07 June 2005 [08:25]
Barmek Azerbaycan, operator of the energy supply networks of Baku and Sumgayit, intends to borrow $40-50m credit from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Husseyn Arabul, the president of Barmek Azerbaycan, told Trend on Monday.
07 June 2005 [08:15]
The Azerbaijan International Operating Company (AIOC) has started the transportation of Azeri Light oil via the connection pipeline from Sangachal terminal to a terminal of the Azerbaijani company Azpetrol nearby.
06 June 2005 [08:47]
Ministers of Transport of Azerbaijan,Turkey and Georgia will meet in Istanbul late in June in the framework of the Kars-Akhalkalaki-Tbilisi-Baku railway construction project.
04 June 2005 [10:03]
Credit treaty on the implementation of the project “Assistance to economic development of internally displaced people” signed between World Bank (WB) and government of Azerbaijan in the Cabinet yesterday.
04 June 2005 [10:01]
Azerbaijna International Operating Company (AIOC) produced 449.5 mln. cubic meters of gas in “Chirag” during the first 5 months of this year, that is 3% more in comparison with the corresponding period of last year.
04 June 2005 [09:48]
Prediction of State Oil Company on oil production will be approximately 8 million 750 thousand tons by the end of year.
04 June 2005 [09:30]
The American ExxonMobil plans to export some 320,000 tons of the Azeri Light oil through the Azerbaijanian – Georgian railway line till Batumi port, produced by the Azerbaijan International Operation Company (AMOC) from the Azeri-Chirag Gyuneshli (ACG) field from June till September.
03 June 2005 [10:10]
Testing of the Azerbaijani section of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) main export oil pipeline is complete. BTC Co, operated by BP, told Trend, only 16km-long trenches are still to be closed along the pipeline with the length of 1,768 km.
03 June 2005 [09:57]
President Ilham Aliyev today received the delegation led World Bank (WB) director on the South Caucasus Ms. Donna Dowsett Coirolo.
03 June 2005 [09:07]
In the nearest time SOCAR will commission the well N72, which is being drilled from the marine stationary platform N19 on the shallow part of the “Guyneshli” field, where the company operates on its own means.
03 June 2005 [08:59]
The Ministry of taxes brought a criminal action against Stock Society of Open Type SSOT «Garadag-Cement».
02 June 2005 [15:00]
Middle East Petrol of Dubai intends to invest some $68m in the reconstruction of the Azerbaijani terminal in Dubandi, Abdulbari Gozal, the President of Middle East Petrol, told Trend on Wednesday.
02 June 2005 [14:32]
The first airbus A319 purchased by State concern Azerbaijan air line (AZAL) is to arrive to Azerbaijan 15 July. The agency Trend reports, SC informed about this.
02 June 2005 [14:09]
Iran is interested to construct fishery plant in Azerbaijan.
02 June 2005 [13:39]
President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree on strengthening anti-inflation measures.
02 June 2005 [13:37]
India proposed to Azerbaijan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan to take part in a big international conference of oil and gas producers and consumers in Asia, which is scheduled to be held in New-Delhi in October this year, the Indian Minister of Oil industry and Gas, Mani Shankar Ayar stated, Trend reports.
01 June 2005 [13:00]
German specialists will hold monitoring of atmosphere in BAKU.
01 June 2005 [12:47]
Gars-Tbilisi-Baku railway will be exploited by the end of 2008.
01 June 2005 [12:45]
Azerbaijan-Germany economical forum started in Berlin. According to the information given to APA from Ministry of Economic Development, the delegation composed of 60 persons has left for Berlin to attend the forum.
01 June 2005 [12:31]
The forum of Azerbaijani and Pakistani chemists will be held in Baku on 11 June.
31 May 2005 [13:44]
Delegation led by World Bank coordinator on the South Caucasus Donna Dauseld-Koyrolan has come for official visit to Baku.
31 May 2005 [13:36]
EBRD is to consider at the Board of directors the possibility of allotment to Lukoil Overseas Holding Limited of loan in amount of $110 mln for financing of share of expenses within frames of project on development of gas condensate field «Shah-Deniz».
31 May 2005 [13:33]
At the Gynja car factory OKA model cars are being assembled. In the next two months, assembly of UAZ model cars is planned.
28 May 2005 [16:41]
French company Total is considering the opportunities of the construction of a new oil terminal in the Azerbaijani section of the Caspian under the prospects of the oil export from the Kashagan field via the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan main export oil pipeline.
28 May 2005 [16:24]
Russian oil company LUKOIL might pay compensation to the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) for refusal from drilling the second obligatory well on the Azerbaijani field Yalama (D- 222 bloc), the reliable sources told Trend.
28 May 2005 [16:18]
A conference on Azerbaijan-Germany economic relations will be held in Berlin on May 31.
28 May 2005 [16:15]
50% of incomes of the state budget of Azerbaijan fall at private sector.
27 May 2005 [13:05]
Construction of railway line between Azerbaijan and Iran on "North-South" project can be started after 6 months.
27 May 2005 [13:02]
Azerbaijan state Caspian shipping purchase new tankers for transportation of Kazakhstan oil by pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC), the agency Trend reports, the deputy chief of Caspian shipping Tofik Masurov informed about this.
25 May 2005 [09:17]
The Islamic Development Bank (IDB) will give $ 10 mln.
25 May 2005 [09:13]
Representatives of Open Society Institute-Aid Foundation held press conference on the completion of the main stage of the monitoring of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan main export pipeline conducted by non-governmental organizations.
25 May 2005 [09:00]
The USA State Department chief counselor for Eurasia matters, Ambassador Steven Mann and The USA Ambassador in Azerbaijan Reno Harnish held press conference yesterday.
25 May 2005 [08:55]
Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan has signed 6 intergovernmental agreements during the official visit of Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev to Baku.
25 May 2005 [08:09]
Three-sided contract on the construction of Gars-Tbilisi-Baku railway will be signed.
25 May 2005 [08:07]
The Azerbaijan International Operating Company (AIOC), operated by BP, commenced on May 23, delivery of associated gas to the Azerbaijan state from Central Azeri and Sangachal Terminal.
24 May 2005 [09:26]
The European bank of reconstruction and development approved for construction of office complex in Baku allotment of $15,5mln for realization of the project by company Azinvest Property in Baku.
24 May 2005 [08:51]
The National bank of Azerbaijan increased Bank rate by 0,5%.
24 May 2005 [08:42]
The price of oil will reduce from $50 down to $30-40 in the middle-time perspective in the world market.
24 May 2005 [08:36]
The Board of directors of Islamic Bank of development adopted decision about conducting of annual meeting of the bank in 2010 in Baku.
23 May 2005 [11:56]
Prospects of development of relations between France and Azerbaijan were in the focus of the "Days of Caucasus" held recently in Paris, in the building of the Senate.
21 May 2005 [09:55]
Baku, IAA "Trend" 20 May corr. V.Sharifov.
21 May 2005 [08:58]
The purpose of IMF mission, which visited Baku 4-18 May 2005 led by Mr. Vitali Kramarenko (deputy division chief, Middle East and Central Asia department) was discussion with representatives of Azerbaijan government of economic policy, which could support summarization of results of the fifth review within frames of Poverty reduction and growth facility, which will end July 4, 2005.
21 May 2005 [08:18]
The delegation of the World Bank (WB), headed with director of WB on the state Mrs. Dona Kayrola and WB specialist Christian Peterson is to arrive to Azerbaijan 23 May.
20 May 2005 [19:50]
It will require years for Azerbaijan to join to the World Trade Organization (WTO).
20 May 2005 [19:01]
World Customs Security Exhibition II-Forum started in the Sport and Concert Complex named after Heydar Aliyev yesterday.
19 May 2005 [14:37]
At present automated taxes payment project is being realized in the field of improving the taxes system of the country.
19 May 2005 [14:23]
The Directors Council (DC) of the World Bank (WB) adopted a decision about granting to Azerbaijan $68 million credit.
19 May 2005 [14:12]
The series of measures must be conducted in order not to run polluted water from the lakes situated in the Absheron peninsula into the sea.
19 May 2005 [14:05]
7914,2 bln manats of the capital was invested into economy of Azerbaijan for January-April 2005 ($1622,76 mln by average exchange rate of January- April in 4877 AzM/USD).
19 May 2005 [13:55]
Within frames of corridor "East-West" the Presidents of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey and Kazakhstan are to sign political declaration, during solemn event of starting of oil pumping to pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) in Baku 25 May.
18 May 2005 [21:22]
For realization of the project on provision by high quality potable water finances in amount of $1 bln are to be required.
18 May 2005 [21:20]
"Garadagh" Cement LTD has rebuffed the local media reports on non-payment of taxes to the public budget by the company, Trend reports.
18 May 2005 [21:14]
In late May the German Society for Technical Assistance (GTZ) plans to hold seminars in Sheki and Guba, and late June in Gyanja for local judges, GTZ reports, according to Trend.
17 May 2005 [10:43]
The Ministry of transport of Azerbaijan plans starting realization of project of construction of Baku circle road by the end of this year.
17 May 2005 [10:36]
Session of the Board of directors of Azerbaijan-American Joint Venture Caspian Drilling Company (CDC) has started in London 16 May.
14 May 2005 [14:44]
As a result of the investigations held by he Ministry of Taxes (MT) in the "Garadagh-Cement" OSC some law disordering and violations were revealed in the work of the company.
14 May 2005 [14:33]
The chairman of the State Customs Committee Kamaladdin Heydarov held a press-conference yesterday.
14 May 2005 [14:31]
Danish company Maersk drilled 4100 meters during passage of the first exploration well in structure "Yalama" (block D-222) by order of Russian LUKOIL, the agency Trend reports, the reliable sources inform about this.
14 May 2005 [14:29]
It won't be possible to raise the minimum wage from June. Finance Minister Avaz Alakberov informed about it.
14 May 2005 [13:52]
State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (ARSOC) is preparing the future oil export strategy of Azerbaijan taking into consideration Baku-Supsa, Baku-Novorossiysk, and Baku Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipelines.
13 May 2005 [12:49]
Georgian President Mihkeel Saakashvili and Azerbaijani leader Ilham Aliyev had a telephone talk on Thursday, the President's Executive Power announced.
13 May 2005 [12:32]
The Ministry of Finance will hold investigations in 55 objects this year.
13 May 2005 [12:24]
An annual conference was held concerning the execution of the "Poverty reduction and Economic Development Program" in Guba hall of the "Hyatt Regency" hotel yesterday.
13 May 2005 [12:21]
USA is ready to assist Georgia at negotiations on purchase of additional volumes of gas from Azerbaijan, produced at field "Shah-Deniz".
13 May 2005 [12:04]
Reserves of new gold deposit "Bashkend" in Nakhichevan (NAR) are estimated in amount of 300-350 tons.
13 May 2005 [11:51]
During January-April 2005 Azerbaijan International Oil company (AIOC) working at sea block "Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli", exported totally 2,744 mln. tons of oil, this is by 709 thousand tons more than indicators of January-April 2004.
12 May 2005 [19:17]
It is expected, that 1,5 million of tourists will visit Azerbaijan in 2005, the press-service chief of the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Tourism, Rafig Abbasobv told Trend.
12 May 2005 [18:45]
The representative staff guided by the leader of the mission on Azerbaijan of the International Currency Fund (ICF) Vitali Kromarenko is holding meeting with the official of the country.
11 May 2005 [18:45]
BTC Co, operated by BP, has started filling the BTC head pump station at the Sangachal terminal (PSA), marking the first line fill phase of the Baku-Tbilisi- Ceyhan (BTC) oil export pipeline, the agency Trend reports.
11 May 2005 [18:34]
For solution of tax payments with LUKOIL Azerbaijan involves international auditor companies.
07 May 2005 [17:50]
American ExxonMobil during negotiations with State Oil Company of Azerbaijan compensation in amount of $27 mln for refusal from drilling of exploration well at prospective structure "Nakhichevan".