15 April 2006 [08:43]
By the end of April, the Azerboru Open Joint-Stock Company (OJSC) plans to sign long-term contract with the Russian Oil-Gas Trade House to organize sale of its pipes in Russia.
14 April 2006 [17:50]
SOCAR has put into exploitation new well, drilled at the shallow water part of the Guneshli field, which SOCAR is developing independently.
14 April 2006 [17:40]
The weighted average exchange prices made up 0.9064 AZN for 1 US dollar in the Baku Interbank Currency Exchange April 13.
14 April 2006 [17:06]
The pure revenue of the Bank of Baku made 875.000 AZM this year this is 52% or 299.000 AZM more than in the similar period of the last year.
14 April 2006 [09:16]
The economists of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) being on a visit to Baku have already held meetings in the Ministries of Finance, Economic Development, Taxes, State Customs Committee and National Bank of Azerbaijan.
14 April 2006 [09:12]
The State Committee for Securities (SCS) registered emission prospectus of registered interest-bearing bonds of the Azerbaijan Electronics (AZEL) Open Joint-Stock Company (OJSC).
14 April 2006 [09:10]
The Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies is ready to develop rehabilitate communication in the Azerbaijan's territories to be released from occupation.
14 April 2006 [09:09]
Trial on a financial scandal between the FIM bank of Malta and government of Azerbaijan appointed on April 12 was postponed.
14 April 2006 [09:06]
The Azerbaijan Corporate Governance Project (ACGP) of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) selected the second pilot company – AZEL Company.
14 April 2006 [08:55]
In January-March of the current year, Bank of Baku obtained AZN 875 thousand of net profit, and it exceeds the same figure of the last year's relevant period by AZN 299 thousand or 52%. In the reporting period Bank' total assets increased by AZN 868 thousand or 54% and came to AZN 2.46 million.
14 April 2006 [08:40]
Last year volume of the debt of the Azerbaijan State Railway Office to foreign states for purchased goods and services decreased by 6.5 million Swiss francs or 50% and was 6.5 million Swiss francs by January 1, 2006.
14 April 2006 [08:15]
The State Committee for State Property Management (SCSPM) is currently investigating execution of the investment program by the Targol Investment Company (Great Britain) on the Azerboru Open Joint-Stock Company (OJSC).
14 April 2006 [08:10]
Azerbaijani delegation led by the Minister of Transport Ziya Mammadov will attend the conference of the transport ministers of the states being members of the Economic Cooperation organization (ECO) to be held in Tehran on April 24-26.
14 April 2006 [08:05]
The Duet Auto Company concluded a $4 thousand contract with the European representation of the Japanese Kenwood Company (Kenwood Electronics Europe VV, Holland).
14 April 2006 [08:00]
Russia examining the Gezvin-Resht-Anzali-Astara railroad project prepared by the Ministry of Transport of Iran under the North-South project issued several remarks concerning the project.
14 April 2006 [07:55]
New 50 and 100 manat banknotes will be brought to Azerbaijan in the last decade of April.
13 April 2006 [20:36]
Due to postponement of visit of Lithuanian president Valdas Adamkus to Azerbaijan, Azeri-Lithuanian business-forum scheduled to take place April 19 in Baku has been postponed to some uncertain period.
13 April 2006 [20:35]
The issue of creation of techno-parks in Azerbaijan is to be discussed by the government and the process of recommendations and opinions collection from state agencies is about to complete.
13 April 2006 [20:30]
UniBank CB has summarised the financials of the first quarter of 2006, to find that the key parameters had the increases by 1.5 to 2 times in comparison with the first quarter of 2005.
13 April 2006 [16:06]
The new Azerbaijani mobile operator - Azerphone is currently building the infrastructure to start serving the customers, the Azerbaijani Minister of communication and IT, Ali Abbasov told.
13 April 2006 [15:57]
There will be no increase in domestic prices on fuel in Azerbaijan and there are no discussions on that matter, the Finance ministry states.
13 April 2006 [14:39]
Anglo Asian Mining PLC, the gold and copper development company with projects in Azerbaijan confirms that, Mr Gordon Lewis has agreed terms with Anglo Asian to take up the position of Chief Executive on 1 July 2006.
13 April 2006 [14:33]
The weighted average exchange prices made up 0.9074 AZN for 1 US dollar in the Baku Interbank Currency Exchange April 12.
13 April 2006 [13:56]
"The development of small and medium business assumes paramount importance for Azerbaijan," Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev stated at regional business forum organized April 13 at the Sports-Olympic Complex in Shaki.
13 April 2006 [13:43]
April 11, 2006 Micro Finance Bank of Azerbaijan (MFBA) has signed credit contract with the Swiss company BlueOrchard Microfinance Security, in the amount of USD 4 million.
13 April 2006 [12:13]
The Ministry of Taxes intends to conduct a lottery to encourage people to demand receipts from shop assistants and has already approached the AzerLottery state company.
13 April 2006 [12:10]
The criminal case started against Turkish electric power supplier Barmek-Azerbaijan has been forwarded to the Prosecutor's Office, Minister of Taxes Fazil Mammadov said Wednesday.
13 April 2006 [11:01]
Preparatory works on privatization of the Sumgait Superphosphate Plant under the Mid-Term State Investment Program are underway.
13 April 2006 [10:25]
The ITECA Caspian, exclusive partner in Caucasus of the ITE Group plc, will hold the 5th Anniversary Azerbaijan International Travel and Tourism Exhibition (AITF-2006) in Baku April 20-22.
13 April 2006 [10:13]
In 1st quarter of the current year, the Caspian Shipping Company (CSC) transported 3.289 million tons of freight, and it exceeds the same figure of the preceding year’s relevant period by 54 thosuand tons or 1.7%.
13 April 2006 [10:07]
Azerenergy OJSC again stopped operation of the Shimal Power Plant and examination works are implemented mainly on the tank and power units related with the tank.
13 April 2006 [10:02]
The Azerbaijan Export and Investment Promotion Foundation (AZPROMO) will hold an Azerbaijan-Lithuania business-forum in Baku April 19.
13 April 2006 [08:33]
Specialists of the newly-established Energy Provision Office of the Azerenergy Open Joint-Stock Company (OJSC) next week will visit the regions having the local electricity distribution networks.
13 April 2006 [08:27]
AtaHolding Group of Companies intends to realize investment project on development of alternative energy sources next year.
13 April 2006 [08:06]
The Anti-Monopoly Policy Department of the Ministry of Economic Development monitored 16 retail and wholesale shops importing and selling cellular phones.
13 April 2006 [07:59]
In 1st quarter of the current year, 5.1 million tons of cargo was conveyed by railways of Azerbaijan and the relevant forecast was fulfilled 121.3%.
12 April 2006 [23:13]
The Tax ministry has finished its audit in the Azpetrol holding, but the results will be known only after the official act will be sent to the holding, the tax Minister, Fazil Mammedov told at the press-conference on April 12.
12 April 2006 [23:01]
Railroad transport council of CIS and Baltic countries at its 43rd session held today in Tallinn has approved the rates for cargo railroad transportation.
12 April 2006 [14:59]
A United Nations body on Wednesday said that it had given Iran a green light to export caviar from wild sturgeon, but maintained a trade freeze on other Caspian Sea nations that was imposed to protect the endangered fish.
12 April 2006 [13:40]
Russia's Vneshtorgbank plans to take part in large joint projects with the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijani Republic (SOCAR) in the oil and gas sector in Azerbaijan, the Russian bank said in a statement.
12 April 2006 [13:13]
An Azerbaijani-Lithuanian business forum will be held in Baku within the visit of Valdas Adamkus, the Lithuanian President, on April 19.
12 April 2006 [12:40]
Total production of industrial enterprises of Azerbaijan amounted $8.9bn in 2005, showing 33.5% from the level of 2004.
12 April 2006 [01:28]
Within the next month, the Azerfarm Limited Liability Company (LLC) will start exporting its medicines to Uzbekistan.
12 April 2006 [01:26]
Construction of 7 road bridges will be started in various places of Baku city by the end of July.
12 April 2006 [01:23]
AzerEnergy management considers credit terms of EBRD to be hard.
12 April 2006 [01:19]
The Minister of Economic Development Heydar Babayev met with the mission of the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB) being on a visit to Baku.
12 April 2006 [00:57]
Air France aviation company of France does not intend to open offices in Azerbaijan and Georgia.
12 April 2006 [00:53]
Diversification of the economy is very weak in Azerbaijan and the government of the country must speed up this process, stated the EBRD President Jean Lemierre being on a visit to Azerbaijan.
12 April 2006 [00:49]
A protocol on economic cooperation promotion between the Small and Medium Industry Development and Support Office (SMIDSO) of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Turkey and Ministry of Economic Development (MED) of Azerbaijan will signed in Istanbul on April 14.
12 April 2006 [00:44]
The Improtex Marine&Sport Facilities Company, official representative of the Japanese Yamaha brand in Azerbaijan started holding trainings on driving motorcycles and land rovers (Riding Schools).
12 April 2006 [00:41]
Operation of the Q-43/107M catalytic cracking unit stopped for repairs was resumed in the Baku Oil Refinery.
12 April 2006 [00:38]
Next auction on placement of short-term bonds of the National Bank of Azerbaijan (NBA) will be held in the Baku Stock Exchange (BSE) on Wednesday.
11 April 2006 [22:54]
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is ready to support activity of the Garadah Cement and the issue of crediting the factory is now under discussion, the EBRD president, Jean Lumiere stated.
11 April 2006 [15:18]
Azerbaijan took part at the annual world summit of Intel Corporation–Intel Solutions Summit, which took place in Greece.
11 April 2006 [14:02]
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is planning to invest in the implementation of the Azerbaijani projects more than 300 million EURO, the EBRD President, Jean Lemiere stated.
11 April 2006 [13:34]
Decisions on social–economic development in the regions will be made during the visit of the President, Ilham Aliyev to Sheki-Zakatal district from April 11, the Head of the social-political department at the President's Office, Ali Hasanov told.
11 April 2006 [12:21]
Today the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) signed $4.5 million credit line with a local financial institution, AzeriGazBank, for on-lending to micro- , small- and medium-sized Azerbaijani enterprises.
11 April 2006 [10:26]
Delegation of Cabinet Members, Senior Government Representatives, and Business Leaders from Azerbaijan to participate in the event.
11 April 2006 [09:34]
About 30 Azeri businessmen left for Turkey today to attend the Azerbaijan-Turkey business forum to be held in Istanbul April 11.
11 April 2006 [09:18]
Pursuing its integration into international communication, the Joint Venture (JV) Azercell Telecom signed roaming contract with Mobile cellular communication operator of Oman.
11 April 2006 [09:15]
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) may grant loan to the Azerbaijan State Railway Office (ASRO) on the Locomotive Fleet Upgrade Project in syndicated form.
11 April 2006 [09:08]
Concreting works are underway in the Sheki module power plant which is currently being constructed.
11 April 2006 [07:58]
The Tariff Council plans to reconsider the energy tariffs.
11 April 2006 [07:55]
The goal of inspections was to find out the purposes money orders were used for.
11 April 2006 [07:52]
"Commercial banks of Azerbaijan are small and not open to international cooperation", journalists were given this statement by the Minister of Economic Development Heydar Babayev.
11 April 2006 [07:42]
No changes are expected to be made to interest rates on mortgage loans of the Mortgage Fund of Azerbaijan (MFA) funded from the state budget.
11 April 2006 [00:44]
BP, Europe's largest oil company, and its partners completed undersea pipelines to the $4.2 billion Shah Deniz field, a Caspian sea project scheduled to start supplying world markets by year's end.
11 April 2006 [00:22]
There is a search underway for effective ways of using the opportunities at hand for increasing the amount of transit goods transported by motor transport from Azerbaijani and Russian territory to Iran.
11 April 2006 [00:19]
Negotiations with the World Trade Organization are in progress.
11 April 2006 [00:16]
Air France has begun regular flights between Paris and Yerevan.
10 April 2006 [21:20]
The perspectives of the further development of the bilateral relations and the current state of the cooperation of Azerbaijan with the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) was discussed at the meeting of Heydar Babayev, the Azerbaijani Minister of Economic Development, and Jean Lemierre, the President of EBRD, on Monday.
10 April 2006 [21:14]
BTC Co. completes testing of its third pumping station (PST-3) at the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline in Turkey.
10 April 2006 [17:16]
The stock exchange activity, development routes and budget in the current year have been adopted at the meeting of the Baku stock exchange shareholders meeting.
10 April 2006 [15:37]
From 3 through 7 March AZERI LT average price, sold by Azerbaijan in Supsa and Novorossiysk port, was $66.86 per barrel or $2.48 per barrel down as compared to the previous week.
10 April 2006 [15:02]
In the course of investigation conducted by the Ministry of Industry and Energy to reveal the illegal increase of liquefied gas prices at the filling stations, it was discovered that some of them sold the gas at 20-24 gepig per 1 liter.