"Card Transfer" is the sole service in banking market of the country allowing to IBA cardholders to make any payments from plastic card to another one. The connection procedure to "Card Transfer" system is very easy. Client should to apply to IBA's branch which issued plastic card and fill up simple application form.
After the connection to system client will be able to pay and transfer money with ATM or web kiosk to other account of plastic card in 10 minutes by using 16 unit number of plastic. Moreover client could use internet-banking system to realize afore mentioned services being at home or in office. In the beginning stages all of IBA cardholders could use these services except Pensioner Card. The commission fee for "Card Transfer" service is 0,15% from amount of transfer.
It is significant to note that IBA has the biggest ATM network (more than 460) within the country and is the only bank in Azerbaijan which established network of web kiosks (around 40). Network of ATMs and web kiosks covers more than 50 cities and settlements of country and allows pay for utilities and mobile services providers (Azercell and Bakcell).