Manteqi added, "IranKhodro's first Samand manufacturing factory abroad would be officially opened in the presence of high ranking Iranian and Azerbaijani officials, including Iran's Mines and Industries Minister."
He said, "The Azeri side has made the entire investment of the joint project, while the IranKhodro's Iranian technicians have shouldered all technical aspects of the job."
The managing director of IranKhodro and the Middle East's largest auto manufacturing firm reiterated, "During his state visit of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Azeri President visited IranKhodro, after which he test-drove Samand and later on made all necessary preparations for the fast opening of that factory in his republic." Stressing that as a national industrial unit IranKhodro is after promotion of Iran's scientific and technological prestige in the world, Manteqi reiterated, "The wide scale efforts of this firms's experts aimed at hoisting Samand's national banner abroad are aimed at introducing the Iranians' industrial talents to the world nations."
Azerbaijan Republic's Samand Factory, whose products would enter that country's automobile market under the name of "AzSamand" is constructed at a 16,500 square meter land, 120 kilometers to the West of that republic's capital, Baku.