TODAY.AZ / Business

Single Digital Platform for ESG Standards Concept Presented in Baku

24 September 2024 [15:37] - TODAY.AZ

A presentation on the concept of a single digital platform for Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) standards was held in Baku, organized by the "Corporate Management, Investments and Corporate Social Responsibility" working group under the leadership of the Small and Medium Business Development Agency (KOBIA), Azernews reports.

The event, hosted at the "Baku SME House," gathered representatives from state institutions, local and international private companies, and other stakeholders.

Discussions centered around the creation of the platform, its implementation, and international expert recommendations on ESG.

The event concluded with the agreement of road maps and implementation projects following thematic discussions.

For information, it's worth noting that the "Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) standards subgroup" of the Commission on Business Environment and International Rankings of the Republic of Azerbaijan is managed by the Small and Medium Business Development Agency.


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