TODAY.AZ / Business

Average price of daily rent in July in Azerbaijan announced

13 July 2024 [11:40] - TODAY.AZ

In July of this year, the average daily rent prices for apartments with 3, 4, and 5 stars in Azerbaijan, listed on with an online booking system, were respectively 156.6 manat, 182 manat, and 371.6 manat, Azernews reports.

Compared to the same period last year, the average price increased by 21.8% for 3-star apartments, decreased by 48.9% for 4-star apartments, and decreased by 9.4% for 5-star apartments.

In July, the highest prices were in the city of Gabala. In this city, the average prices for 3-star apartments were 175.5 manat (a decrease of 58.1%), and for 4 and 5-star apartments, the respective prices were 338 manat (a decrease of 21.7%) and 533.2 manat (a decrease of 43.8%).


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