TODAY.AZ / Business

Azerbaijan approves operational guidelines for Samur River Bridge

21 May 2024 [17:33] - TODAY.AZ
Nazrin Abdul

The operational guidelines for the road bridge over the Samur River near the Samur-Yarag-Gazmalar checkpoints along the Russian-Azerbaijani border have been officially endorsed, Azernews reports.

During today's session of the Azerbaijani Parliament, a draft law on approval of the agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the order of operation and maintenance of the road bridge across the Samur River in the area of “Yarag-Gazmalar" (Russian Federation) - "Samur" (Republic of Azerbaijan) checkpoints across the Russian-Azerbaijani state border and approaches to it was submitted for discussion.

It was emphasised that this agreement holds significant potential for strengthening bilateral ties between the two nations.

After thorough deliberation, the document underwent a voting process and received approval.


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