TODAY.AZ / Business

Azerbaijan, Germany discuss realisation of joint projects

27 February 2024 [15:38] - TODAY.AZ
Abbas Ganbay

Azerbaijani Economy Minister Mikail Jabbarov said on social network "X" that Azerbaijan and Germany discussed the realisation of joint projects, Azernews reports.

"During a meeting with the managing director of the "Eastern Business Association of Germany," Michael Harms, and representatives of German companies visiting our country, we discussed Azerbaijan's business climate and conditions provided to foreign investors.

We offered German businessmen to take advantage of these favourable conditions and assessed the prospects for expansion of investment ties and implementation of joint projects," the publication says.

Recall that according to the State Customs Committee of Azerbaijan, in January 2024, Azerbaijan exported to Germany goods worth $2.466 mln and imported goods worth over $57.543 mln.


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