TODAY.AZ / Business

Azerbaijan to increase share of alternative energy sources to 30 per cent by 2030

28 November 2023 [15:04] - TODAY.AZ
Abbas Ganbay

Baku is hosting a meeting held by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources with the participation of members of the State Commission on Climate Change on the eve of the 28th session of the Framework Convention, Azernews reports.

The program aims to increase the share of alternative energy sources to 30 percent by 2030.

Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Umayra Taghiyeva, speaking at a round table held by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources with the participation of members of the State Commission on Climate Change on the eve of the 28th session of the Framework Convention, said

"Some work is already underway in Azerbaijan to reduce emissions of heat-generating gases. The country has a wide potential in the field of alternative energy. Taking this into account, the country has set a goal to increase the share of alternative energy to 30 percent in the near future - by 2030."

"At the same time, the country's new targets related to the Paris Agreement by 2050 were presented before the chair of the convention. This is our commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 40 percent," U. Tagiyeva said.


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