TODAY.AZ / Business

Turnover of stock exchanges of country increased 20% last year

14 January 2006 [02:30] - TODAY.AZ
Currency reserves, securities, immovable property and products of production-technical destination amounting to 1,335 milliard manats were realized in 574 auctions held in the stock exchanges acting in the country during the past year and this is 20% more in comparison with 2004.

As APA reports, the Baku Interbanks Currency Exchange (BICE) and Baku Stock Exchange (BSE) can be specially noted for the number of auctions held and volume of turnover. So, currency amounting to 769 million manats were sold and credit operations amounting to 43,7 million manats were carried out in 281 auctions held in BICE. Securities amounting to 521 million manats or 6,2 times more in comparison with the previous year were sold in BSE in the financial year.

At the same time, downtrend was observed on sale of immovable property and products of production-technical destination in the commodity exchanges.


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