The Azerbaijan International Operating Company (AIOC), operated by bp, put into exploitation the fifth well on the platform installed in the Central Azeri field. It will enable to increase production and export of Azeri Light oil to world markets.
The AIOC told Trend, at present the work over the exploitation of the sixth well is underway.
Production from the Central Azeri field comprises 150,000 barrels of oil a day. Following the completion of the drilling program and connection of the wells to the platform will increase to production projection comprising 400,000 barrels a day.
Azeri (CA) production began from the first of ten pre-drilled production wells on Sunday, the 13th of February. Production will increase through 2005 as the other pre-drilled wells are brought online, prior to further platform drilling over the coming years. Total production from Central Azeri is forecast to be some 35 million barrels in 2005 (equivalent to an average of 93 000 barrels of oil a day).
Oil from Central Azeri will be transported via a new 30” subsea pipeline to the onshore Sangachal Terminal, which has been expanded to receive the additional oil volumes from the ACG field including three newly-built crude storage tanks.