7914,2 bln manats of the capital was invested into economy of Azerbaijan for January-April 2005 ($1622,76 mln by average exchange rate of January- April in 4877 AzM/USD).

The agency Trend reports, this is 9,9% more than volume of investments for January-April 2004.
24196,6 bln manats of capitals was invested ($4924,413 mln) for whole 2004 into economy of Azerbaijan at the growth rate of 36,1%. Prediction of investments is 22914,2 manats ($4652,6 for 2005 at average exchange rate of 4925 AzM/USD), and actual investments for January-April was 34,538% of prediction.
By data of the State committee of statistics, 1839,1 bln AZM ($377,097 mln), was invested from internal sources into economy for the first quarter, this is equivalent to 26,273% of its prediction for the whole year in amount of 7000 bln AZM ($1421,3 mln).
Foreign investment was 6075,1 bln manats ($1245,663 mln), this is equivalent to 38,174% of its prediction per year in amount of 15914,2 bln AZM ($3231,3mln).
Main sources of investments during January-April were finances of enterprises (7042,5 bln AZM at growth by 8,7%), bank loans (394,8 bln AZM at growth by 13,9%), finances of population (256 bln AZM at growth by 34,4%), budget finances (147,2 bln AZM at growth by 98,2%).