TODAY.AZ / Politics

Presidential Administration: Armenian president's denying murder of Azerbaijani child by Armenian sniper is immoral

17 March 2011 [19:30] - TODAY.AZ
Azerbaijan considers immoral Armenian president Serj Sargsyan's statement in which he denied the involvement of the Armenian armed forces in the murder of Azerbaijani child.

"How immoral one can be, to deny the murder of nine-year old child by Armenian sniper in front of everyone's eye," head of socio-political department of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan, Ali Hasanov, told reporters on March 17.

He said that Sargsyan's statement that the "Armenian army does not lift its hand against the child" is a disgrace.

"You know that hundreds of innocent children and elderly were killed during the Khojaly genocide. And therefore, his attempts to misrepresent this shameful crime and inhuman actions of the Armenian army can not convince anyone, except himself," Hasanov said.

Hasanov said international organizations should not remain silent in connection with this incident.

"You know that the OSCE Minsk Group expressed its attitude towards this and instructed its staff to begin a special investigation in connection with this matter. I think that reporting this fact to the attention of international organizations and their awareness on this issue means a certain assessment of the Armenian army. Of course, the assessment mission, the institution of the OSCE co-chairs and other international organizations could not immediately punish any officer of the Armenian army for the crime. However, this indicates the inhumanity of the Armenian army soldiers and all this occupant army. And we will be bringing this to the attention of international organizations," Hasanov said.


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