TODAY.AZ / Politics

Ombudsman's Western Regional Centre organises events ahead of I'ntl Day of Peace

19 September 2024 [16:57] - TODAY.AZ

In anticipation of the International Day of Peace on September 21, the Western Regional Centre of the Human Rights Commissioner (Ombudsman) of Azerbaijan, in collaboration with various regional organisations, held several events under the theme of "Tolerance is the Basis of Peace and Cooperation," Azernews reports.

The events took place at the Ganja Youth House and in Goygol, organised with the Ganja-Dashkasan Regional Youth Sports Department, the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations, and the Goygol District Executive Power.

At the events, S. Abbasov, head of the Western Regional Centre of the Ombudsman, highlighted the Ombudsman's efforts to ensure equality and prevent discrimination in society. He also discussed recent amendments to the Constitutional Law "On the Human Rights Commissioner of Azerbaijan." Participants exchanged views on the topic, and their questions were addressed during the sessions.


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