TODAY.AZ / Politics

Letter on Khojaly massacre sent to representations of UN member states

09 March 2011 [10:28] - TODAY.AZ
Azerbaijan's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Agshin Mehdiyev has sent a letter on the Khojaly genocide to the Organization's Secretary General.

The letter was also sent to representations of UN member states.

The letter says this massacre, committed by Armenian armed forces with the participation of the infantry guards regiment No. 366 of the former USSR, shows that ending impunity for the most serious international crimes is essential not only for the purposes of individual criminal responsibility, but also for peace, justice, reconciliation and the rights of the victims.

According to him, the most horrible international crimes, such as war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide were committed as a result of the ongoing aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan.

Mehdiyev also says the occupation of the town was resulted in the extermination of hundreds of Azerbaijanis, including women, children and the elderly; thousands of civilians were wounded and taken hostage, many of whom remain missing; the Khojaly town was razed to the ground. The Ambassador added the level of brutality in Khojaly is shocking: atrocities included scalping, beheading, bayoneting of pregnant women and mutilation of bodies.

These facts confirm that the slaughter of the Khojaly civilians was directed at their mass extermination only because they were Azerbaijanis. Khojaly was chosen as a stage for further aggression, occupation and ethnic cleansing.

Officials of Armenia regard atrocities committed against Azerbaijanis as glorious victory, which opened the nation`s and country's way to modern history.

The Azerbaijani Government has repeatedly stated that the genocide in Khojaly, along with other grave crimes committed in the course of the aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan, entails Yerevan's responsibility under international law and the individual criminal responsibility of those who participated in mentioned acts and their accomplices and accessories.


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