TODAY.AZ / Politics

Azerbaijan's ruling party considers Musavat Party resignations as startig point of a split

07 January 2011 [10:45] - TODAY.AZ
Azerbaijan's ruling party considers the resignations at the Musavat Party as the first stage of a split.
"Resignations at the Musavat Party had to occur long ago, because no reforms are conducted inside the party, no innovations are permissible. From this point of view, the split is inevitable. I believe that in the near future only two men will stay there," the deputy executive secretary of the ruling New Azerbaijan Party, MP Siyavush Novruzov told Trend on Thursday.

Recently, four functionaries of the Musavat Party - namely Sulheddin Akbar, Ibrahim Ibrahimli, Adil Geybulla and Gabil Huseynli - resigned from their party posts.

Novruzov said the potential of young people coming to the ranks of the party is not used, and two or three people have turned the party into their property.

"People who have resigned left the party, since they were unable to tolerate such processes. How long can you fulfill whims of several people?" - Novruzov said.

Musavat was established in October 1911 in Baku. On May 28, 1918 in Tbilisi, together with several other parties, Musavat announced Azerbaijan's independence. Due to Azerbaijan's occupation by the Red Army in 1920, Musavat moved its activities underground. The party was relaunched on Nov. 7, 1992.


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