TODAY.AZ / Politics

Azerbaijani opposition party leader meets with OSCE representatives

23 June 2010 [17:15] - TODAY.AZ
Leader of the opposition party - Azerbaijan Democratic Party (ADP) Sardar Jalaloglu today has held a meeting with representatives of the mission assessing the situation before the elections - OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), which are on visit in our country, ADP said.

The meeting discussed the socio-political situation in the country before the elections, electoral law and the latest changes and additions made to it, the Party said.

The discussions highlighted the importance of holding free, fair and equitable elections for Azerbaijan's national interests in terms of democracy and our country's integration into the European space. Parliamentary elections will be held in Azerbaijan in fall 2010. Previous elections were held in November 2005. Elections are held according to the majority system in Azerbaijan's 125 constituencies.

The meeting also discussed a number of questions of mutual interest on the forthcoming parliamentary elections.


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