TODAY.AZ / Politics

Azerbaijan's Milli Majlis appeals to President to call snap parliamentary elections

21 June 2024 [13:37] - TODAY.AZ

A commission has been established to apply to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the appointment of early elections to the Milli Majlis (Azerbaijani Parliament), stated Sahiba Gafarova, Speaker of the Parliament, during today's meeting of the Milli Majlis, Azernews reports.

The Speaker emphasized that the commission is chaired by Adil Aliyev, with members including Siyavush Novruzov, Fazail Aghamali, Elshan Musayev, Nigar Arpadarai, Tahir Rzayev, and Eldar Guliyev. The Milli Majlis has formally appealed to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan regarding the scheduling of extraordinary parliamentary elections.

This matter was included in the agenda of the plenary session of the parliament held on June 21.

Tahir Rzayev, Chairman of the Agrarian Policy Committee of the Milli Majlis, read aloud the text of the appeal decision.

The draft decision was then voted upon and approved.


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