TODAY.AZ / Politics

"Parliament elections" held in Nagorno-Karabakh will negatively impact the peace process

24 May 2010 [18:35] - TODAY.AZ
Azerbaijan shares concerns of its international partners about negative effect on the ongoing peace process by the illegal "parliament elections" held in Azerbaijan's occupied territories May 23, 2010.

"Another attempt by Armenia to camouflage its annexation policy and occupation of the territories of Azerbaijan ended with a complete and unavoidable failure. With its deeds the Armenian side misleads no one but its own society. The international community is well aware of the situation in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, as it was indicated just recently in the report on the need for an EU strategy for South Caucasus, adopted by the European Parliament," the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry's statement says.    

The statement notes that Azerbaijan shall never accept the fait accompli-based solution, which the Armenian side is trying to impose.

"The conflict in and around the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan can only be solved on the basis of respect for territorial integrity, sovereignty and inviolability of internationally recognized borders of Azerbaijan, and peaceful coexistence of Armenian and Azerbaijani communities in the Nagorno-Karabakh region within Azerbaijan, fully and equally enjoying benefits of democracy and prosperity. Azerbaijan once again urges the Armenian side to cease its destructive policies and instead of wasting the precious time to negotiate in good faith with a view to finding a soonest and durable solution to the conflict, based on the norms and principles of the international law," the statement says.


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