TODAY.AZ / Politics

New cold war may erupt in Asia: The Times

12 November 2009 [14:33] - TODAY.AZ
Deteriorating relations between China and India can lead to a new Cold War, The Times said.
The tensions between the two states grow as India is preparing to reopen the base to station surveillance aircraft, helicopters, and possibly ships, to monitor Chinese vessels in the Indian Ocean, the newspaper said.

"Under a deal signed in August, India is also installing radar across the Maldives, linked to its coastal command."

"Both countries publicly deny that the move is aimed at Beijing, but privately admit that it is a direct response to China’s construction of a giant port at Hambantota in nearby Sri Lanka," the article said.

"The plan is also being seen as the latest move in a low-level, but escalating struggle for economic and military supremacy between Asia’s two emerging giants."

"This week the flashpoint is their disputed Himalayan border, as China protests over the Dalai Lama’s visit to a northeastern Indian state that it claims. But they are also competing over naval control of the Indian Ocean, resources and markets in Africa, strategic footholds in Asia — and are even in a race for the Moon."

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