TODAY.AZ / Politics

West tries to prevent integration processes in Muslim world: expert

23 September 2009 [16:26] - TODAY.AZ
West tries to prevent integration processes in the Muslim world, and there is a need to think about ways to prevent such aggression from outside, representative of the Caucasus Strategic Research Center Elmir Guliyev said.
" West tries to prevent political unification of the Muslim world, and we should reflect on how to confront this external aggression,” Guliyev said while speaking on Wednesday at a roundtable which focused on political Islam.

"It should also be clarified how political activity of religious communities meet interests of Muslim communities themselves,” Guliyev added.

He said it is time for Muslims to overcome barriers preventing them to lead active social and political activities in addressing challenges facing them.

Speaking about the religious situation in Azerbaijan, the expert noted that the Azerbaijani society "as early as in 1990s of the last century fell ill with the creation of Jamaat, however, however, subsequent rise of religious radicalism was observed.”

In turn, chairman of the Islamic Committee of Russia Heydar Jamal noted irrelevance of attempts by separate aggressive forces to conduct their activities under the guise of Islam.

"The vast majority of the Ummah, not even as theologians, will never act against the fundamental provisions of Quran,” he said.

He noted that clericalism, which is an innovation in political Islam, is already non-religious concept, but a political one. "However, I believe that today it is in the process de- clericalism and it goes on at a faster pace in the Caucasus than Afghanistan and Somalia,” Jamal said.  

"Political Islam poses challenge to humanity to the meaning, it  tries to make sure that people are not the kind of dust particles in the wind,” the expert said.

/Interfax Azerbaijan/

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