TODAY.AZ / Politics

Turkey is a convenient place for EU-Iran discussions on nuclear program: European analyst

16 September 2009 [09:26] - TODAY.AZ
Turkey may host the Iran and the EU "six" discussions on the Iranian nuclear program, as it is a convenient place for both sides to meet, well-known European analyst, Michael Emerson, said.
Turkey is quite a convenient place logistically and politically for both parties to meet, said Michael Emerson, Director of the European Neighborhood, Foreign and Security Policy program of the Center for European Policy Studies in Brussels, over the telephone.

On Sept.15, Javier Solana, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), said that a meeting of Iran and the EU "six" is likely to be held in Turkey. Negotiations are scheduled for Oct.1.

The U.S. and other Western countries accuse Iran of developing nuclear weapons under the guise of peaceful nuclear energy program. Tehran rejects these accusations, claiming that its nuclear program is aimed solely at meeting the country's electricity needs.

On Sept. 9, Iran submitted its package of proposals to the representatives of the EU "six" on the nuclear issue and other global challenges.

However, in these proposals Iran had not responded to the undertaken question. Negotiations of "six" continues to formulate a "coordinated response" on the issue of Iran's nuclear program, Solana's spokesman, Cristina Gallach, said.

"Iran's problem is very serious. It concerns Turkey, the rest of Europe and the rest of the world. Turkey is one of the interested parties, and has a certain relationship in Iran," Emerson added.

Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmed Davudoglu's meeting with his Iranian counterpart, Manouchehr Mottaki held in Tehran last weekend, may be a proof of this. The ministers called for increased security cooperation between the two neighboring countries and expressed their determination to fight with terrorism and extremism.

"Regarding the balance of forces in the world regarding Iranian affair, Turkey hasn't been very much involved. Turkey has a certain voice, but I doubt if it is going to be a very decisive one," Emerson said.

Turkey could be a voice, a positive voice, but I wouldn't put it stronger than that, the analyst added.

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