TODAY.AZ / Arts & Entertainment

Seven Beauties Ensemble shines at gala concert in Canada

23 November 2023 [13:56] - TODAY.AZ
By Azernews

Laman Ismayilova

The Seven Beauties Ensemble has successfully performed in Toronto, Canada.

The gala evening was organised at the initiative of the Network of Azerbaijani Canadians in partnership with the International Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation in order to promote the cultural heritage of the Turkic world, Azernews reports.

Seven Beauties is a music ensemble created under the auspices of the organisation. Headed by Honoured Artist of Azerbaijan Turan Manafzade, the ensemble consists of professional musicians representing seven Turkic states, including Azerbaijan, Turkiye, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Hungary.

Speaking at the event, representatives of the Executive Council of the Network of Azerbaijani Canadians, Dmitriy Kirilov and Nigar Jabiyeva, the Canadian Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, Ya'ara Saks, and members of the Canadian Parliament, Francesco Sorbara and Ali Ehsassi, emphasised that such events play a key role in the development of intercultural dialogue.

A certificate of appreciation was presented to the International Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation, as well as to the Network of Azerbaijani Canadians, for their efforts in promoting Turkic culture in Canada.

Representatives of political and cultural circles in Canada, members of the Canadian Parliament, diplomats from different countries in Canada, representatives of Azerbaijani and Turkic societies attended the event.

The concert program consisting of music pieces by the Turkic world and folk, left a lasting impression on the guests.

Initiated in 2012, the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation focuses on the preservation of the Turkic heritage in member countries as well as conducting projects in collaboration with partners in third nations.

The foundation provides assistance in the protection, study, and promotion of Turkic culture and heritage through supporting and funding various activities, projects, and programs.

The organisation carries out its activities in cooperation with TURKSOY and the Turkic Academy.


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