TODAY.AZ / Politics

Azerbaijan's Permanent Representative to UN gives speech at UN Security Council discussions

21 November 2023 [10:41] - TODAY.AZ
Abbas Ganbay

Open discussions on the theme Promoting the Defense of Peace Through Common Development were held within the framework of the agenda Protection of International Peace and Security under the presidency of China in the UN Security Council, Azernews reports.

This is stated in the publication of the Permanent Mission of Azerbaijan to the UN in social network X.

Speaking at the event, Azerbaijan's Permanent Representative to the UN Yashar Aliyev said that as a result of the local anti-terror measures carried out in September Azerbaijan managed to ensure peace in Garabagh.

It should be noted that to ensure the implementation of provisions of the Trilateral Statement, suppression of large-scale provocations in the Garabagh economic region, disarmament and withdrawal of Armenian armed forces from the territories of Azerbaijan, neutralization of their military infrastructure, ensuring the safety of civilians returning to the territories liberated from occupation, civil servants involved in construction, restoration and reconstruction works and Azerbaijani military personnel, as well as restoration of the constitutional order of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijani authorities have taken measures to ensure peace in Garabagh.

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