According to CCNMatthews, the new U.S. $10 note will begin appearing internationally in the coming days and weeks following its introduction into circulation in the United States today.
The new $10 note, which features images of the Statue of Liberty's torch and the words "We the People" from the U.S. Constitution, incorporates easy-to-use security features and subtle shades of orange, yellow and red into its design.
The timeline for circulation internationally depends on the timing of orders placed by a local banking system to the Federal Reserve, which distributes U.S. currency through domestic and international banking institutions.
The $20 and $50 notes already have undergone redesigns and the $100 note is scheduled for a freshening, too, but the bureau hasn't yet said when that will occur.
There are no planned changes to the $5 bill, and bureau officials the $1 and $2 bills also will stay as is.