TODAY.AZ / Politics

Run by chimeric ambitions, Armenia's cheap politics keeps fomenting chaos in South Caucasus

13 March 2023 [17:59] - TODAY.AZ
By Azernews 

Fuad Muxtar-Aqbabali

The Armenian political establishment has lost its bearings, or it would be advisable to say that it has never had it, be it during the brief stint after the collapse of tsarist Russia or soon after the Soviet empire demised, and political experts ascribe it to the lack of statehood experience.

The absence of historical roots in the construction of its statehood and a hundred years of being on political and economic subsidies from Russia did not allow Armenia to build its established state and the key and secondary actors in the political arena have always been used by their patrons for their own interests.

“Today in Armenia, some are against Russia, others are against the West, some are against getting rid of the age-old enmity with the Turks, others are for the continuation of this enmity…” political expert Kamran Rustamov told Azernews.

Armenia’s unstable political state allows the use of Armenians in this or that political game and the current trend indicates that Armenia is gradually moving away from Russia.

Some believe that this is the only correct path aimed at rapprochement with the West, others believe that in the absence of a reliable system that will take Armenia under the wing of the West, separation from Russia can lead to unpredictable, and some consider quite predictable results.

Continuing to fiddle around the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, which the Armenians themselves have never officially announced on what maps, where and how it passes, Armenians allow others to use the “border map” as a tool in the hands of various political forces. Why do people in Armenia think that if you can’t clean up your house yourself, someone else will do it for you? Therefore, Armenia is torn between North and South, West and East.

Remembering that once Armenians “built” that old Egypt, moreover, they “ruled” it, voices often began to be heard in Armenia about the need to establish allied relations with Egypt against Turkey.

With the assistance of Egypt, Armenia can counteract the Azerbaijani-Turkish propaganda in the Arab world, even in the context of Islamic solidarity. Gor Gevorkyan, a former member of the Armenian parliament, Ph.D. in History, and associate professor, expressed this opinion in an interview with Sputnik Armenia, commenting on the visit of Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan to Egypt and participation in the ministerial meeting of the Council of the League of Arab States, pundit Kamran Rustamov added.

"It is necessary to take into account Egypt's relations with Western countries, Russia, and its presence on the African continent in general. The political weight and authority of Egypt in the Arab world are so great that this country can be considered as an intermediary, with the help of which in the Arab world, we can counteract the Azerbaijani-Turkish propaganda," Gevorkyan opined.

For this purpose, he proposes to use the emerging cool relations between Egypt and Turkey.

"Recently, Turkey has been very actively probing the possibility of restoring relations with Egypt. You know that after 2013, Turkiye-Egyptian relations escalated when Abdul Fattah al-Sisi came to power. Turkey accused the Egyptian authorities of a number of issues and, in fact, froze relations that were actively developing under the previous president," Gevorgyan added.

In this regard, the specialist advises the Armenian authorities to be guided primarily by state interests in relations with Arab countries and to raise contacts with Egypt to a higher political level.

Depending on the political orientation of the state, some countries are trying to wedge themselves into relations between countries in order to bring them closer, while others are trying to separate them on opposite sides of the barricades.

Today, when positive processes are visible in the South Caucasus, again, both from inside Armenia and from outside, there is an attempt to counter these processes.

They still cannot understand in Armenia that today's realities dictate that only the building of peaceful, good-neighborly relations and the renunciation of territorial claims in the region is the only way to preserve and develop the Armenian statehood. All other roads are leading to the catastrophe.

Armenia, built on historical Azerbaijani lands, has a neighbor - Azerbaijan, which has more than 3,000 years of history of its statehood. It is this genetics that makes it possible today to build a reasonable, well-considered policy both within the country and on the world stage.


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