TODAY.AZ / Business

ICGB receives natural gas transmission permit

01 October 2022 [10:17] - TODAY.AZ

By Azernews

By Ayya Lmahamad

The independent transmission operator ICGB has been granted a natural gas transmission permit, ICGB AD told Azernews.

A day before the start of the commercial operation of the Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria (IGB), the Bulgarian Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) adopted a decision to authorize the start of the activities for the transmission of natural gas by ICGB.

This final document certifies that the company has successfully fulfilled all the conditions under the license issued in November 2021 for the activity of natural gas transmission through the IGB gas pipeline.

"With its decision, EWRC confirms that ICGB is practically resource-, technically- and financially ready to carry out the transmission of natural gas through the facility. The interconnector begins commercial operation on October 1, on the first day of the new heating season and the first day of the new gas year," the statement reads.

All administrative and regulatory requirements for the start of the operation on the territory of both host countries have already been met. Earlier, the two national energy regulators of Bulgaria and Greece - EWRC and RAE – came out with a joint decision, approving changes to the Network and Tariff Codes of ICGB. A change in the date of entry into commercial operation to October 1 was also approved.

The IGB gas pipeline is designed to connect the Greek national gas transmission system (DESFA S.A.) and the Trans-Adriatic gas pipeline (TAP AG) in the area of Komotini (Greece), and with the Bulgarian gas transmission system (Bulgartransgaz EAD) in the area of Stara Zagora. The total length of the gas pipeline is 182 km, the diameter of the pipe is 32'', and a design capacity of up to 3 billion m3/year in the direction of Greece and Bulgaria.

The pipeline is designed to increase its capacity up to 5 bcm/y, depending on market interest and the capacities of neighboring gas transmission systems.

The opening ceremony of the Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria was held in Komotini on July 8


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