The investigation on the case of a group high ranking officials who are accused under articles 341.1(exceeding powers) , 311.3.2 (bribe-taking) , 178.3.2 (roguishness), 221.3 (hooliganism) and 313 (abusing official duties) , 32.5 , 311.3.2 (assisting in bribe-taking) and 178.3.2 (roguishness) of the Criminal Code was completed and the investigation materials were submitted to Court Martial on Grave Crimes of Azerbaijan Republic.

According to the information, the investigation of the crime in the military prosecutor's office of Fizuli found out that, former military commissar of Imishli region, colonel-lieutenant Elkhan Nasirov breached the items of the law "Principles of draft" roughly by exceeding his powers for personal interests regularly when he worked as military commissar from 14 March, 2001 till 17 April 2004. He sent the citizens who were freed from military service to Army illegally, issued forged certificates on military service on transferring to reserve by taking 2,350 dollars and 6.400.000 manats from the deserted servicemen and their relatives and provided their registration as servicemen in the Military Commissariat of Imishli region. E.Nasirov sent resident of Imishli Gafgaz Abayev who was sentenced before and though he received his punishment his imprisonment was not completed to real military service illegally on 14 July, 2003. Besides it, he illegally sent the residents of Imishli Ilgar Mammadov born in 1973 and Vugar Baghirov born in 1972 both completed legal military service in the former Soviet army and transferred to the reserve to temporary military service on January 20, 2004. E.Nasirov established criminal contact with the resident of Yalavaj village of Imishli region Mubariz Usubov and the associate of the Military Commissariat Shahin Javadov and took bribe in different amounts from Aghababa Aghabalayev, Agha Ibrahimov, Elshad Aliyev, Zulfali Allahverdiyev, Zahid Aliyev, Vasif Shukurov, Ali Guliyev, Sohbat Balayev and their relatives and gave them forged military certificates on their completing legal military service and being transferred to the reserve instead of supposedly lost military certificates and thus, registered them as military official persons in the Imishli region Military Commissariat.
Besides it, it was revealed that E.Nasirov established criminal contact with Mubariz Usubov and swindled deceiving and misappropriating other's property. So, they deceived the resident of Imishli Barshad Aghabalayev and misappropriated his 2 million manats in January 2004 in order to return the forged military certificate given to his son Aghababa Aghabalayev and then taken in connection with a criminal case raised against him, and took $ 25800 from the resident of Baku Elvan Isayeva under the pretext of releasing her arrested son. He also behaved like a hooligan against the son of Elvan Isayeva Vugar and her relative Abulfaz Aliyev in front of his house situated in Ali Bayramli city on June 23 2005, who came for the purpose of getting back $ 25800 misappropriated by him. E.Nasirov was accused of articles 341.1(exceeding powers), 311.3.2 (bribe-taking), 178.3.2 (roguishness), 221.3 (hooliganism) and 313 (abusing official duties), and Mubariz Usubov of articles 32.5 , 311.3.2 (assisting in bribe-taking) and 178.3.2 (roguishness), Shahin Javadov of articles 32.5, 311.2 (assisting in bribe-taking), 32.5, 341.1 (assisting in exceeding powers) and 313 (abusing official duties) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan and an arrest measure was chosen on them because of the crimes listed above. The investigation on the case completed yesterday.