According to State Statistics Committee, the population of Azerbaijan came to 8 mln.367 thousands, as of April 1, 2005, having increased during last 3 months by 19,7 thousands.

Some 4 mln.308 thousands (51,5%) people of the population are townsmen, while 4 mln.59 thousands (48,5) are villagers; 4 mln.113 (49%) thousands are men and 4 mln.254 thousands (51%) are women. Current sex-ratio is 1034 women for every 1000 men.
Some 26% of the population is children under 14; 67% - people aged from 15 to 64; 7% - aged 65 and over; 29% - people aged from 18 to 34 larger half of which lives in town.
The middle age of population in Azerbaijan is 31 years, the average life interval is 72,4 years. (men-69,6; women-75,2). During the first quarter of 2005 the number of newborns in Azerbaijan has come to 34 thousands. (17 newborns for every 1000 men).
Every woman averagely has 2 children. During the last decade death rate in our country has decreased, Some 14,2 thousands death-facts records have been made since the beginning of 2005.
Some 14,5 thousands marriages and 1,7 thousands divorces have been recorded in 2005.