TODAY.AZ / Arts & Entertainment

Korean Cuisine Festival kicks off in Baku

09 June 2016 [14:31] - TODAY.AZ

/By Azernews/

By Laman Ismayilova

The Korean national cuisine festival has kicked off in Baku through the initiative of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Azerbaijan, Azertac reported. The festival takes place as part of “Year of multiculturalism” in Baku.

The event was attended by Minister of Culture and Tourism Abulfas Garayev, Korean Ambassador to Azerbaijan Kim Chang-gyu, chairman of State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Inam Karimov as well as public and media representatives.

Addressing the event, Minister of Culture and Tourism Abulfas Garayev said that Azerbaijan’s role in the field of multiculturalism is appreciated.

“Cuisine traditions are accepted as the field of culture in Azerbaijan. We cannot imagine traditions of Azerbaijani people without Azerbaijani cuisine,” he said.

Kim Chang-gyu noted that the meals showcased today are special examples of Korean cuisine.

“The cuisine is an important element of the culture,” he said.

At the festival, the Korean cooks were presented certificates of Azerbaijan's National Culinary Center. The event ended with presentation of Azerbaijani and Korean works of art.

The governments of Azerbaijan and Korea signed an Agreement on Cooperation in Cultural Field on May 11, 2006.

Under the cooperation, “Azerbaijan Day” within the “Gyeongju Silk Road Cultural Festival-2015” was held in Gyeongju city of the Republic of Korea in 2015. The concert program featured the performance of Azerbaijan State Song and Dance Ensemble, Ancient Music Instruments Ensemble introducing Azerbaijan national music and dance were introduced to the attention of Festival participants.

Azerbaijan and Korea have also developed bilateral cooperation in the field of education.


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