TODAY.AZ / Politics

'Lack of dialogue and trust leads to discrimination, and terrorism'

01 June 2012 [12:38] - TODAY.AZ
Tolerance and interfaith dialogue should be the priorities of the Albanian Chairmanship of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, ex-chairman of the PACE Mevlut Cavusoglu said.

"All the religions of the world based on tolerance. All of them are aimed at promoting peace and harmony. And so today, inter-religious dialogue is the key to the whole world. Lack of dialogue and trust leads to discrimination, nationalism, racism and terrorism," Cavusoglu said, speaking at the closing of IV congress of world and traditional religions in Astana.
He noted that religious leaders can play a leading role in establishing contacts and bridges of trust.

"Work with religious leaders was an important part of my work when I headed the PACE. I always invited representatives of various religious movements to my office, and discussed ways to solve many problems with them," Cavusoglu said.

Ex-chairman of the PACE said the congress of world and traditional religions held in Astana was an important step in building inter-religious dialogue.

"The congress was held at a time when the world faced the question of inter-ethnic harmony. It is no coincidence that the venue for such a forum was Kazakhstan - a country where more than 130 nationalities and ethnic groups, representing over 40 confession, live and work together in peace and friendliness. We have developed a fount of ideas, which should be realized in the framework of the IV Congress in Astana. And we work out the specific resolutions, which I will take with me to Strasburg for further work," Cavusoglu said.


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