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Azerbaijani President meets U.S. Secretary of State - UPDATE - PHOTOS

06 February 2012 [09:12] - TODAY.AZ
President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev met U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Munich on Feb.4. They praised the Azerbaijan-U.S. relations. They expressed confidence that the bilateral ties would continue to expand.

Azerbaijan`s participation in peacemaking operations in Afghanistan as part of the anti-terror coalition was hailed during the meeting.  The Azerbaijani leader and the U.S. Secretary of State also had a broad exchange of views on the settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.


President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on Feb.4  met Finnish Minister for Foreign Affairs Erkki Tuomioja in Munich. They stressed the development of bilateral relations, emphasizing the existence of good potential to expand them further.

The Azerbaijani President and the Finnish FM also exchanged views on the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on Feb.4 met Foreign Minister of Serbia Vuk Jeremic.
During the meeting, they praised bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and Serbia, in particular in politics and economy.

They stressed the importance of the two countries` mutual support in various fields.
President Ilham Aliyev and Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic also underlined the importance of a Baku-signed agreement on the construction of a highway in Serbia with the participation of Azerbaijani companies.


“We are talking a lot about diversification and energy security, these two issues are directly linked. But when we are talking about energy security and diversification for European consumers I think that first we should talk about the diversification of sources rather than diversification of routes with the same sources although diversification of routes is also important,” said President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev in his remarks at the 48th Munich Security Conference.

“Azerbaijan is a new source, a big source, close one, friendly for European consumers. And if we succeed in implementation of our plans in building a strong Southern Gas Corridor we will enter into the period of very fruitful mutually beneficial cooperation in energy area for decades ahead.

Therefore energy security now becomes, and already became, important issue of national security. An we as a producer we understand it and we want that all our partners treated the same way,” the Azerbaijani President added.


“Azerbaijan is ready to play its role, to provide energy security, diversification and to protect our nature,” said President Ilham Aliyev in his remarks at the 48th Munich Security Conference.

The president noted “For decades, for more than a century oil resources of Azerbaijan were developed without any respect to environmental protection. The word “environment” actually was not very well known in our past. Today our responsibility is to clean up all that legacy from the decades of production of oil whether its is off-shore or on-shore, and also to contribute to the cause of global environmental protection. Therefore, taking into account the fact that we have oil, and we have gas, and we have markets, we invest now in renewable energy. And we think that this is part of our responsibility.”

“We invest in hydro, we started from last year to invest in solar in wind energy not because we need these alternative sources badly. No. And not because it will make a substantial part of our energy balance, but we take it as our responsibility in front of the past and in front of the future generations.”


“One of the important events which took place last year was the signing of initial transit agreements between Azerbaijan and Turkey, which will actually open the big door for Azerbaijani gas reserves to European market,” said President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev in his remarks at the 48th Munich Security Conference.

“We are now in a very unique situation where we need European market because, first, it is a big market, second, because it is the market regulated by legislation and law norms, and, of course, because this is a growing market and a market of our partners. And European market needs an alternative source of supply,” the Head of State noted.


“I am much more optimistic about the future of Southern Gas Corridor,” said President Ilham Aliyev in his remarks at the 48th Munich Security Conference.

The Head of State noted “There are several reasons which increase this optimism. First of all, the new gas discoveries and already existing transportation infrastructure, though it is not in very big quantities. Second is a growing demand for our energy resources in Europe and very fruitful cooperation between European institutions and Azerbaijan, which transformed during the last several years into relations of real partnership.”

“The visit of President of the European Commission to Azerbaijan in 2011 and signing of the Declaration on Southern Gas Corridor and creation of the working group, which is co-chaired by distinguished Mr. Oettinger – all these factors create a very positive picture about our future plans.”


“Azerbaijan now is also known as a country with huge gas reserves. We have the gas field Shahdeniz, which is one of the biggest gas fields in the world with more than one trillion cubic meters of gas,” said President Ilham Aliyev in his remarks at the 48th Munich Security Conference.

The Preident said “with new discoveries last year and in 2010 proven gas reserves of Azerbaijan are more than 2.5 trillion cubic meters. And it is clear that these resources will be more than enough for us, for our partners, for our consumers. And we are working now on the creation of a broader energy corridor. It will be not only for oil, but also for gas.”

The Head of State noted “we are now at a very important and challenging stage of our energy projects, where decisions are being made, important decisions, which will influence significantly energy security of our region. Azerbaijan, of course, has provided its energy security, but without markets, of course, we will not be able to fully implement our projects. Today we have a diversified network of pipelines. Azerbaijan is a landlocked country, we don’t have direct access to open sea. And diversified network of pipelines allows us to transport our oil and gas in various directions. Therefore diversification is very important for us as producers, and also, we understand, for consumers.”

President Ilham Aliyev pointed out “We need to find the right balance, and I think we are finding the right balance between energy security of producers, which is Azerbaijan, and energy security of consumers. And not to forget about the interests of transit countries. Therefore the balance of these interests and an adequate approach to the interest of your partners is the main reason for successful implementation of our projects.”


“Azerbaijan is among the oldest oil producing countries. Actually, the first industrial oil was produced in Azerbaijan back in the 19th century. But a lot has changed since that time,” President Ilham Aliyev said in his remarks at the 48th Munich Security Conference.

The Head of State noted “After restoration of independence people of Azerbaijan became the owners of our own resources. And during this period of time – 20 years – Azerbaijan transformed into a country with a diversified economy mainly because of proper use of energy resources.”

“Projects initiated by our country in mid 1990s, actually significantly changed the energy map of the regions of Caucasus and Caspian, and are changing the energy map of Europe.”
The President said “The energy corridor, which was built by us as a big oil pipeline transporting oil from Caspian to Mediterranean, now serves not only for benefit of the Azerbaijani people and our partners, but also serves as a very efficient energy corridor for our future projects.”


President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has attended Munich Security Conference`s “Energy, Resources, and the Environment: New Security Parameters?” panel discussion.  Azerbaijan`s first lady Mehriban Aliyeva was among the participants in the event.

The panel discussion`s moderator introduced the Azerbaijani President as the keynote speaker.
President Aliyev highlighted Azerbaijan`s oil production traditions, saying the country was first to produce industrial oil.

The President said Azerbaijan attached a particular emphasis to diversifying energy transportation routes.  The Azerbaijani leader said Azerbaijan was also known as a country with huge gas reserves, adding the country`s proven gas reserves were more than 2.5 trillion cubic meters.

President Aliyev said Azerbaijan placed a particular significance to ensuring energy security. He noted Azerbaijan with its diversified oil and gas pipelines played key role in ensuring energy security of its partners.

The President stressed the importance of an agreement on the Southern Gas Corridor which he signed with European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso in Baku in 2011. He said the agreement opened up wide opportunities for Azerbaijani gas to enter European markets through Turkey.

The Azerbaijani leader said energy security already became an important issue of national security.

President Aliyev said his country attached a particular emphasis to environmental protection and to creating and developing alternative energy sources. The President said Azerbaijan would continue playing its role in ensuring energy security of its partners.

Other speakers at the panel discussion included European Union Commissioner for Energy Gunther Oettinger, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich and others.


President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev met Friday in Munich Australian foreign minister Kevin Rudd. The Australian foreign minister said his country was interested in development of relations with Azerbaijan in various spheres. He praised Azerbaijan`s election as a member of the UN Security Council.

President Ilham Aliyev noted the election of Azerbaijan as a member of the UN Security Council was an example of the support of the majority of world states for the country.

The Azerbaijani President expressed confidence that relations would further expand. They also discussed bilateral relations and Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno Karabakh conflict


Azerbaijan`s President Ilham Aliyev, who is in Germany to attend the 48th Munich Security Conference, yesterday met Friday Germany`s former minister of foreign affairs Hans-Dietrich Genscher. They discussed Azerbaijan-European Union cooperation, Azerbaijan`s role in ensuring energy security of Europe, Azerbaijan-Germany bilateral ties and regional and international issues.


Azerbaijani President meets U.S. Secretary of State

Azerbaijani President attends Munich Security Conference`s “Energy, Resources, and the Environment: New Security Parameters?” panel discussion

Azerbaijani President meets Serbian FM in Munich

President Ilham Aliyev meets Finnish FM in Munich

Azerbaijani President meets Australian foreign minister in Munich

Azerbaijan`s President meets former German FM in Munich


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