5 Azerbaijanis were executed in prison of Urmia city, Iran. 3 more persons are waiting for sentence to death too. The Azerbaijani Political Prisoners’ Protection Committee said that the execution was realized on Sunday. Other 3 persons are kept in single person cameras of the jail.
Brother of Allahverdi Ahmadpurazer, who has been sentenced to execution and is waiting for the punishment, Gurban Ahmadpurazer said that Allahverdi was at prison for 2.5 years and he confirmed the sentence to death.
“No proper trial was held in connection with the executed Azerbaijanis and they were sentenced to death. Judicial decisions in Iran against sunni Azerbaijani minorities are harder in comparison with other religious minorities. Most of the executed people are sentenced under drug charges”, told the Committee.
Committee official Yashar Hakkakpur did not except drug charges: “The efforts for protection of rights are welcomed in Iran. We condemn unjust execution”.