A new public association of Azerbaijanis started to function in the United States.

The Azerbaijanis working in headquarters of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the International Finance Corporation (IFC) in Washington, at the ceremony held on November 11 in the World Bank announced on establishment of new structure named “Association of the Azerbaijan Employees of Bank and Fund”.
Speaking at ceremony, the vice-president of the World Bank on the Near East and the Central Asia Phillip Larue, the ambassador of Azerbaijan to the USA Yashar Aliyev, members of other Diaspora organizations of the USA, and also a number of representatives of high rank of the World Bank have wished successes to the Association with 25 members.
The chairman of Association Samir Suleymanov spoke about the plans of new structure directed on popularization of the Azerbaijani culture among multinational structure of the international financial organizations in Washington.
Vice-president of Association Azer Mursagulov said that creation of Association of the employees of one nationality in the World Bank and International Monetary Fund for the purpose of propagation of national culture is not new. Increase during the last years numbers of the Azerbaijanis working in the international financial organizations in Washington, their active vital position have caused creation of new Association, he underlined.
At opening ceremony, the exhibition of works of the Azerbaijani artists aroused deep interest of participants of action.