Azerbaijani-American Council (AAC) joins all Azeri-Americans in celebration of the U.S. Independence Day, July 4th. 234 years ago on this day, the Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, proclaiming the independence of American colonies from Great Britain.
Drafted by Thomas Jefferson as its principal author, the Declaration of Independence provided for unalienable rights of Americans to "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness". For over two centuries, these basic but fundamental rights attracted millions of people around the world to call America a new home. Consequently, these words of Jefferson also defined our nation, a land of free people of diverse cultures and faiths, all pursuing their own American dream.
The American ideals of freedom and equality for all are not alien to Azerbaijani people. In 1918, Azeris were blessed with the ability to build a first parliamentary democracy in the Middle East and the Muslim world. A year later, after meeting with Azerbaijani delegation at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference, President Woodrow Wilson drew a concise parallel between Azerbaijani and American ideals by saying: "There came in a very distinguished group of gentlemen from Azerbaijan. I was talking to men who talked the same language that I did in respect of ideals , in respect of conceptions of liberty, in conceptions of right and justice". As a vibrant community present in the United States for over 50 years, Azeri-Americans are proud of this historic recognition.
Today, we join in celebration of our way of life and wish all Americans prosperity, peace and success in their pursuit of happiness.
God Bless America!
AAC Board Directors
Gulzar Babaeva, Esq.
Yusif Babanly
Ali Cinar
Thomas Goltz
Javid Huseynov, Ph.D.
Pirouz Khanlou
Samir Lutvaliyev
Ismail Rustamov, Ph.D.