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Oriane Do Rosario: European Championships in Baku opened new page in history of world of gymnastics

16 June 2014 [09:55] - TODAY.AZ
The 30th Rhythmic Gymnastics European Championships in Baku opened a new page in the history of world of gymnastics, the representative of France at the European Union of Gymnastics (UEG), Oriane Do Rosario told Trend on June 15.

She said the competition took place at the highest level and was completed successfully.

"I congratulate Azerbaijan for the fact that this championship opened a new page in the history of gymnastics, and adequately justified the confidence in it. The arena, which hosted the championship, fully meets modern standards. All the necessary conditions have been created for athletes at the highest level," she said.

The representative of France also believes that Azerbaijan will adequately host the 1st European Games to be held in 2015 in Baku.

"We will be very pleased to be back again in Azerbaijan next year. I believe that Azerbaijan will organize the European Games at the highest level as well," she stressed.

Oriane Do Rosario also praised the performances of Azerbaijani gymnasts and stressed that each time they improve their results.

"I believe that Azerbaijani gymnasts are developing rapidly, because they have all the necessary conditions," she stressed.

The championship took off on June 13 at the National Gymnastics Arena in Baku, Azerbaijan. Some 258 gymnasts from 33 countries competed for nine sets of awards in the tournament that was held in Baku for the third time.

The championship has ended today.

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