TODAY.AZ / Society

Armenians send mines to Azerbaijani territory via the water flows?

13 May 2010 [16:06] - TODAY.AZ
A monitoring was held on the contact line between Armenian and Azerbaijani armies under mandate of the OSCE in the Gapanli village of Azerbaijan today. The OSCE representatives visited the Terter Region Administration before the monitoring.  

During the meeting the OSCE representatives were reported that the settlements of the region regularly come under fire by Armenian forces. Since February 8, when the last monitoring was held in this area, the ceasefire was violated 123 times. The shelling lasted for half an hour on average. Two soldiers of Azerbaijani Armed Forces died while retaliating.

OSCE representatives were also told that Armenians send unexploded ordnance and mines to territories controlled by Azerbaijan through water flows that have emerged recently due to heavy rains. Five mines have been detected in the Tartar and Khachin Rivers over the last 20 days. The mines were defused by the Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Action.


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