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Captured soldier's parents heard of the capture of their son from the TV - UPDATED

23 October 2008 [16:00] - TODAY.AZ

They called us from the military unit at 11.00 pm on October 8 and said that our son was out of the unit. In the morning I went to the military unit and talked to the commander of the unit.

He told me that I should search my son in Baku because someone saw Rafig run away to Baku. He said Rafig left for Baku by Marneuli bus. I went to the check-point and talked with soldiers there. They said that Rafig didn’t go anywhere and he should be somewhere near", father of Rafig Hasanov, a soldier captured by Armenian militants in the direction of Kamarli village of Gazakh Region on October 8, resident of Agdam’s Yusifjanli Village, temporarily settled in the IDP settlement Rahman Hasanov told APA Karabakh Bureau.

He said last time he saw his son at the hospital on August 16. "Rafig called me and said that doctors wanted to amputate his finger. We visited him at the hospital and talked with the doctors. They said that there was no need in amputation and they could treat the leg without amputation. Rafig said that his leg was hit by the acacia prickle and later began to fester. After the treatment he returned from the hospital to the service".

The soldier’s father said last time Rafig had a phone conversation with his cousin on October 6 and he was in good mood.

"He asked when his father is going to visit him. On October 8 we heard that Rafig run away to Baku..."

Hasanov said he learned about capture of his son from television. "No one says something new about my son. You first opened my doors. And my relatives only… Neither Red Cross, nor others come and says anything about my son's fate".


Armenian side has confirmed the fact of capturing Azerbaijani soldier Hasanov Rafiq Rahman oghlu, born in 1989.

According to Armen Kapriyelyan, head of the work group of Armenian state commission on issues of hostages, prisoners and missing people, the circumstances and reasons of Azerbaijani serviceman's appearance in Armenia are currently being investigated.

At the same time, Armen Kapriyelyan announced that Armenian serviceman Paruyr Simonyan, born in 1989, has been held in Azerbaijani captivity for already several months since May 25 of this year.

"Representatives of the State Commission of Azerbaijan assured us during the transfer of Azerbaijani citizen Arzu Eyubov on August 14 that the information about Simonyan will come out soon. Yet over two months have passed but there is still no information", said he.

"Like in previous cases we have already drawn attention of not only the International Committee of the Red Cross but also another influential international organization about the case of Paruyr Simonyan", said head of the work group.


Soldier of N military unit of the Defense Ministry of Azerbaijan Hasanov Rafig Rahman, 19 was captured by the Armenian militants on October 8, 2008 on the contact line between the troops, said the State Commission for POWs, Hostages and Missing People, APA reports.

Representation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) told the Commission that Red Cross official in Armenia visited the captured soldier in Armenia on October 16. They said his detention conditions met the norms of international law. The State Commission POWs, Hostages and Missing People are taking appropriate measures to release Rafig Hasanov from the captivity.

/APA, ArmInfo/

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