The population of Azerbaijan has risen by 46,100 people or 0.5% in the first half of the year.

According to the State Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan by results of June 1 of this year the country's population made 8,676,000 people.
4,489,000 people (51.7%) reside in cities and 4,187,000 (48.3%) in rural areas. Men make up 4,281,000 people (49.3%) and women -4,395,000 (50.7%). Currently, there are 1000 men against 1027 women. The average age makes 32 years and the life-span is 72.4 years, including 69.7 years among men and 75.1 among women.
73,600 infants were born in January-June of this year with average 404 infants per day. Each 1000 people account for 17 infants.
Most infants are twins: 756 twins and 12 triplets. 6 twins were born in Baku and the rest in Sumgayit and Sabirabad. The most common names among boys were Ali, Murad, Muhammed, Huseyn and Nihad and among girls -Fatima, Narmin, Zahra and Nuray.
27,800 deaths were recorded in the country in early 2008.
33,400 marriages and 3,900 divorces were recorded in January-June.