
04 November 2005 [17:57]

Baku subway police will not go on strike

"The information that the policemen serving at Baku Subway will go on strike for not being paid is completely not true," informed press service of the Main Police Administration Office of Baku quoting Vali Mammadov - the chief of Baku Subway police.
04 November 2005 [15:26]

Azeri customs servicemen will attend courses on nuclear contraband prevention

Experts of MAGATE and ANAS Institute of Radiation Problems will hold training-courses for customs officials of the State Customs Committee (SCC)on November 14-19 .
04 November 2005 [15:17]

ANS, Lider and Space TV channels' license issues will be reviewed after Elections

The Council of the National Television and Radio prolonged the license terms of 70 percents of TV and Radio Channels in Azerbaijan.
04 November 2005 [12:55]

New historical book causes big scandal among Azeri scientists

The associates of the History Institute named after A.Bakikhanov of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) claim that Doctor of historical sciences Farida Mammadova made political and geographical mistakes in her newly published book "Caucasian Albania and Albans".
03 November 2005 [16:12]

Swedish missionary is deported from Azerbaijan

According to the information given to APA from a source in law-enforcement organs, this person who is a member of the Church "Temple of Glorification" is the Swedish citizen called Mats Yan Soderberg.
03 November 2005 [14:50]

Office of Caucasian Muslims congratulates Azerbaijanis with the end of fasting

Office of Caucasian Muslims congratulated Azerbaijani people on the occasion of holy Ramadan holiday .
02 November 2005 [17:51]

Najaf Najafov's Fund publishes results of Public TV monitorings conducted in September

Najaf Najafov's Fund analyzed the results of the project on Monitoring of the Public TV over September 2005 and developed a report. The event on the results of the monitoring was held at the International Press Center on Wednesday.
02 November 2005 [16:51]

Ancient Azerbaijani music will sound in Istanbul in November

The ensemble of the ancient musical instruments of Azerbaijan Museum of Musical Culture has received an invitation to participate in a celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Center for Study of Islamic History, Culture and Art under the Organization of the Islamic Conference.
02 November 2005 [16:43]

Days of Azeri culture will start soon in Egypt

Azertac news agency informs that November 9-14 were designated as days of the Azerbaijan culture in the Arabian Republic of Egypt.
01 November 2005 [17:32]

Azeri deligation will participate at the 2nd stage of the Worldwide Summit on Information Society in Tunis

"Azerbaijan plans to send its delegation to the 2nd stage of the Worldwide Summit on Information Society that will be held in Tunis in November," informes the Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies.
01 November 2005 [15:25]

French violoncello master will perform at Azerbaijan State Philarmonic Society

The famous French violoncello master, laureate of international competitions Dominick De Blusen will arrange a concert at the Azerbaijan State Philharmonic Society named after Muslum Magomayev on November 9.
01 November 2005 [14:29]

Mammadbagir Bagirzade passed away

People’s artist Mammadbagir Bagirzade passed away at about 22.00 on October 30.
01 November 2005 [13:41]

AzTV director is hospitalized after a car accident

Head of "Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasts" Closed Joint-Stock Company Nizami Khudiyev had a car accident on the Baku-Khachmaz road, in Siyazan region yesterday.
01 November 2005 [13:13]

Azeri medics's salary will rise for 30 percents

The press-service of the President’s Apparatus informs that the president Ilham Aliyev signed today a decree increasing wages of medical employees.
01 November 2005 [13:04]

UNESCO delegation will visit Azerbaijan in December

First meeting of a working group on the implementation of the memorandum on the development of education signed by UNESCO and the government of Azerbaijan on August 24 this year will be held in early December.
31 October 2005 [18:25]

Fire kills 4 inhabitants of Jalilabad

Four people died in fires in a four-room appartment of a 2 storeyed house in Jalilabad belonging to a resident of the region Allahverdi Hajiyev.
31 October 2005 [18:18]

Drug dealer arrested while selling 10 kg of hashish and opium

The associates of the Office for Fighting Organized Crimes of the Interior Ministry (IM) arrested the resident of Jalilabad region who was involved in drug trafficking.
31 October 2005 [15:47]

Some IDP families will not be distributed social allowances

530 thousands internally displaced families will start receiving an allowance next year.
31 October 2005 [15:31]

BakGaz will increase gas supply as the winter gets colder

Gas supply of the capital and regions around it going to be provided in an intensified working regime due to the parliamentary elections and the holy Ramadan.
31 October 2005 [14:23]

New frontier post opened at Nabran

A new frontier post of the State Frontier Service (SFS) started functioning in Nabran today.
29 October 2005 [12:41]

Azerbaijanani family killed in Georgia allegedly because of crime witnessing

Heads of an Azerbaijani family were murdered in Gardabani region of Georgia.
29 October 2005 [11:45]

Muradverdiyev's appeal rejected

The appeal of Akif Muradverdiyev-former director of administrative department of President’s Executive Office was reviewed in the Court of Appeal today.
29 October 2005 [11:38]

Azerbaijan will switch to digital television completely by 2015

The republic will pass to digital TV system from analog broadcasting by 2015.
28 October 2005 [18:56]

Architect waits for Abulfaz Elchibay's family to decide on tomb construction

"A model of a tomb of the late ex-President of Azerbaijan Abulfaz Elchibay is ready," announced architect of the tomb Jafar Giyasi.
28 October 2005 [18:20]

More than 12 thousands of Azeri manuscripts are scattered around the globe

"We know that there are over 12 thousands manuscripts belonging to the Azerbaijani nation that are beyond the boundaries of our country at present," says the deputy-director of the M.Fuzuli Institute of Manuscripts of ANAS and a candidate of philological sciences Pasha Kerimov.
28 October 2005 [13:44]

The Ministry of Education will implement joint project with UN DP

A memorandum will be signed tomorrow, October 29 between the Azeri Ministry of Education and UN Program for Development [PD].
28 October 2005 [13:21]

Ilham Aliyev has signed a decree on indexing of population's deposits left in Azerbaijan Soviet Savings Bank

On Thursday, October 27, the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev signed a decree on community deposits at the former Azerbaijani Soviet Savings Bank.
27 October 2005 [17:22]

ANAMA will have to check for explosives 170,000 sq/m in Agstafa

Azerbaijan National Agency of Mine Action (ANAMA) reported that an explosion of a metal-processing shop that happened on October 21 in Agstafa was due to an illegal activity of the plant.
27 October 2005 [13:50]

Bronze bust of Azeri scientist will be opened soon in St. Petersberg

Chain of ceremonies will be held on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of an Oriental faculty of St. Petersburg State University on December 16. One of the ceremonies planned will commemorate an Azeri scientist who worked at the university.
27 October 2005 [12:38]

Azeri journalists will meet to discuss journalism ethics in Azerbaijan

Training seminars for professionals working in the field of journalism will be held by the "RUH" organization starting November 1.
26 October 2005 [22:59]

Idleness of Georgian side slows down Elmar Huseynov's murder case investigation

The Prosecutor General Office of Georgia has not responded yet to the appeal of Azeri investigation group solving the murder case of the editor-in-chief of "Monitor" magazine Elmar Huseynov.
26 October 2005 [20:21]

By the end of this year 390 IDP families will move from railroad cars and tents to newly built houses

Internally displaced persons who are living in camps for displaced-persons and railroad cars will be resettled to five newly-built settlements by the end of this year.
26 October 2005 [15:52]

Japanese government helps Azeri culture

The Embassy of Japan to Azerbaijan reports that it has completed a grant project on assisting young talents of Azerbaijan.
26 October 2005 [13:45]

Majority of Azeries think that the country is on the right track of development

On October 25 the Caspian Resource Investigation Centre (CRIC) for 2005, publicized a report containing opinion researches that make possible to say that the population basically approves the course of the government.
25 October 2005 [18:20]

Kapellhaus celebrates 120 anniversary of Azeri composer with a concert

Azerbaijani-German cultural center Kapellhaus will host a concert on the evening of November 1.
25 October 2005 [15:43]

National Library hosts “Ataturk and Turkish Ideology” conference on October 29

On October 29 the M.F. Akhundov National Library will host conference “Ataturk and Turkish ideology”. The conference is organized by the Ministry of Culture, Ataturk Center and the National Academy of Azerbaijan.
25 October 2005 [13:21]

Alen Jomi presents his latest documentary in Baku

Meeting with French cinematographer, writer and musician Alen Jomi will be held in Baku France Cultural Center on 26 October.
25 October 2005 [12:29]

Academic State Drama Theatre will host a concert on October 27

"Joint” America Joint Jews Distribution Committee, Culture Center at Israeli Embassy to Azerbaijan and Jewish Cultural Center (JCC) arranging a holiday concert in the Academic State Drama Theatre on October 27.
24 October 2005 [23:54]

The H5N1 or the "bird flu" possibly has reached Azerbaijan

“The first case of the bird flu was registered in Azerbaijan”, told a head of Republican Ornithology Center Elchin Sultanov in his interview to ANS TV channel.
24 October 2005 [18:00]

Explosion in Agstafa kills three and injures 15 people - UPDATED

This information was received from an Agstafa city inhabitant and a Parliamentary candidate Elshan Ismaylov.
24 October 2005 [14:02]

Baku subway prepares to change tokens to cards

“The Baku Metro Production Association (PA) intends to apply chip cards starting November", said Elbrus Mammadov, the chief engineer of the Baku Metro PA.
24 October 2005 [12:35]

Azeri alpinist plans to conquer mount Winson and Everest

Azerbaijani alpinist Israfil Ashurlu will join an expedition to the Winson peak (4887m), the highest point of Antarctica, till the end of the year.
24 October 2005 [11:47]

CEC prepares special Brail alphabet enhanced voting sheets

“Special voting stencils, compiled with the Brail alphabet will be available for blind voters at polling stations”, the Independent Press Center of the CEC, told Trend news agency.
23 October 2005 [11:20]

Civilian helicopter crashes in Goychay - UPDATED

A civilian helicopter making a flight over Goychay city crashed today at 8:45 p.m.
22 October 2005 [17:51]

Azeri rock will sound tomorrow at Half Way Inn

A rock concert of Azeri rock group Aprel called "Men seni sevirem" will kick off tomorrow at Half Way Inn.
22 October 2005 [13:16]

82 drug addicts passed away for the last nine months of the year

"1974 drug crimes were registered on the territory of the country during nine months of this year and 652 of them were connected with the sale of drugs", informs the State Commission on the Struggle against Drug Addiction and Illegal Turnover of Drugs.
21 October 2005 [22:12]

"Araz" movie theater opens its gates for the Second Festival of Turkish Films

“Araz” movie theater hosted today opening ceremony of the Second Festival of Turkish Films, organized by the Embassy of Turkey in Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Culture of Azerbaijan.
21 October 2005 [14:01]

On October 30 Azerbaijan passes on winter time

Today press service of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan Republic relased a statement informing that time on the terriotry of the republic is to be shifted on October 30.
20 October 2005 [19:48]

10th Youth Mugham Festival is over

The Grand prize of the festival travels with its holder to Ganja.
20 October 2005 [18:41]

Azeri archeologists discover 6-7 millenniums old settlement

Scientists have discovered the second ancient settlement on the territory of Agstafa district.
20 October 2005 [10:58]

14th anniversary of Azerbaijan's independence celebrated in New York City

Flag of Azerbaijan raised next to the American in Manhattan
19 October 2005 [17:07]

Independence Day in Azerbaijan

Brief historical overview.
19 October 2005 [14:36]

A firm supplied soldiers with a meat of deceased animals

Army was supplyed with meat of deceased cattle
19 October 2005 [11:32]

Ministry of Health imposes ban on wild bird meat sales

Meat of wild birds should disappear soon from tables of Azerbaijan citizens. The Ministry of Health tells that it is for citizens own good.
18 October 2005 [10:43]

Brandishing the Azeri sword

Feature story about probably the last cold steel armourer in Azerbaijan. Will the secrets of old Azeri cold steel art be lost with him?
16 October 2005 [23:22]

Music series presents Azerbaijan violinist

Azeri music to be performed at Arts Building Recital Hall
08 October 2005 [13:52]

Azerbaijani businessmen murdered in Moscow

Azerbaijani businessmen Ramiz Asadov was murdered in Lyuberetsk district of Moscow.
08 October 2005 [12:39]

There are 300 thousand drug addicts in Azerbaijan

“The number of drug addicts is increasing in Azerbaijan” - National coordinator of the “Program on Controlling Narcotic Drugs in the South Caucasus (SCAD)” Mazahir Afandiyev told the journalists.
08 October 2005 [12:18]

60 Iranian citizens serving their sentences in prisons of Azerbaijan will be returned to their country

Iranian citizens sentenced to imprisonment for committing crime in Azerbaijan will be returned to their country in these days.
08 October 2005 [12:09]

Smuggling of more than 100 kg of jewelry to Azerbaijan prevented

Jewelry is smuggled to Azerbaijan from Turkey and the United Arab Emirates mainly.
08 October 2005 [12:06]

U.S. Embassy announces 2006-2007 fulbright scholarship program

The United States Embassy in Azerbaijan announced the 2006-2007 Fulbright Scholarship program.
08 October 2005 [12:00]

European Union spent $ 1,5 million for struggle against drug addiction in Azerbaijan

A conference on “Works implemented in the frame of the Southern Caucasus Anti-Drug Programme (SCAD) Programme and future perspectives” was held in the International Press Center yesterday.
05 October 2005 [08:13]

President of Azerbaijan congratulated Jewish community with Rosh-ha-Shana holiday

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev sent on 3 October 2005 a message of congratulations to the country’s Jewish community members in regard to the New Year Holiday, Rosh-Ha-Shana.
29 September 2005 [09:55]

Day of German Unity to be marked in Baku

On the occasion of Day of German Unity German Embassy to Azerbaijan will give a party in Hyatt Hotel, Guba Ballroom on 3 October.
29 September 2005 [09:40]

The weather will be unstable in Azerbaijan in October, it will snow in mountains in the end of month

The weather will be a little unstable in our republic in October; monthly average temperature will be close to climate norm.
29 September 2005 [09:14]

Nazim Ibragimov: “I made sure that problems of our fellow countrymen in Georgia actual”

«During my meetings with our fellow countrymen in Georgia we witnessed again their problems, difficulties, known to us. I made sure again the problems raised in this respect are actual and they should be brought to the notice of the Azerbaijan’s public and there is the necessity to sound the alarm.
29 September 2005 [09:05]

49568 persons passed away in Azerbaijan last year

49568 persons passed away in Azerbaijan last year.
29 September 2005 [08:59]

Irada Ashumova won the gold medal, our handball players defeated Armenians

The 4th international sport games of women of Islamic countries started in the capital of Iran, Tehran.
29 September 2005 [08:24]

99% of population of Baku provided with identity cards

99% of population of Baku has been provided with identity cards. 90% of the population of other cities and regions of Azerbaijan have been issued identity cards.
23 September 2005 [10:20]

Azerbaijani student Leyla Azizova won scholarship of “Herti” Foundation of Germany

Thirteen-year old Azerbaijani student of “Kenigschtaun Taunus” gymnasium in Frankfurt of Germany Leyla Azizova won the scholarship of “Herti” Foundation which cares for the education of immigrant children at the Ministry of Education and Culture of Hessen Federal province. Azerbaijani Embassy to Germany spread the information.
23 September 2005 [10:17]

New cable television established in Baku

Yesterday the next meeting of National TV and Radio Council held today. (APA) In the meeting giving licenses to “Khayal” TV of Guba and “Gutb” TV of Khachmaz in accordance with the schedule presenting the documents was discussed. National TV and Radio Council gave warning to the heads of those TV channels.
23 September 2005 [10:10]

Azeri citizens invited to 2007 diversity visa lottery registration

Azerbaijani citizens are invited to participate in the 2007 Diversity Visa Lottery registration announced by the U.S. Department of State from October 5 to December 4 2005, according to the U.S. Department of State Office of the Spokesman.
23 September 2005 [09:49]

Drugs and law-enforcement activity control agreement was signed between the Azerbaijani and USA governments

“Amendment # 2 to the Agreement Letter on the aid to the control on drugs and law-enforcement activity between the Government of the Azerbaijan republic and Government of the United States of America” intending allocation of the respective grant was signed on May 23, 2005.
23 September 2005 [09:41]

Allahshukur Pashazade: “We want to tell the whole world and the Caucasus that Islam is against terrorism”

Sheikulislam Haji Allahshukur Pashazade responded to the questions of the journalists after the press conference dedicated to the results of the sitting of Supreme Religious Board of Caucasian Muslims in Baku yesterday.
23 September 2005 [09:24]

UNICEF will spend $10 million to Azerbaijan in the next 5 years

UNICEF will spend $10 million to Azerbaijan in next 5 years.