TODAY.AZ / Society

Flash mob organized in connection with Remembrance Day on September 27

27 September 2024 [10:57] - TODAY.AZ

The State Committee for Refugees and IDPs has organized a flash mob dedicated to Remembrance Day on September 27, Azernews reports, citing Azertag.

More than 100 internally displaced persons (IDPs) temporarily residing in Sumgait participated in the flash mob, where a depiction of the Khari Bulbul flower—symbolizing respect for the memory of the martyrs and the Victory in the Patriotic War—was created.

As part of efforts to raise awareness and promote the return of IDPs to newly established residential areas, a video prepared about the flash mob features the statements of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev. The video highlights his remarks about the bravery of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, the heroism of the soldiers and officers, and the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the restoration of the country’s territorial integrity and state sovereignty, which are the source of pride for the nation.


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