TODAY.AZ / Society

Pilot project for Caspian Sea to be implemented

25 December 2023 [14:13] - TODAY.AZ

A pilot project will be implemented in the territory of the Absheron region regarding the treatment and reuse of wastewater discharged from the Hovsan aeration plant into the Caspian Sea, Azernews reports.

President Ilham Aliyev has signed an Order in this regard.

The decree was signed to expand the use of alternative water sources, reduce water losses, treat and reuse wastewater, as well as attract new technologies to this field.

The Cabinet of Ministers has been instructed to ensure the implementation of the pilot project taking into account advanced international practice, to take necessary measures, and to resolve other issues arising from the Order.

The Commission established by Decree No. 1986 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated April 15, 2020, On Measures to Ensure the Efficient use of Water Resources should resolve the issues of coordination of measures for the implementation of the pilot project.


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