Resident of village Anar Sadigov told that rich and irrigated lands of Damya Gorarkhi village are owned by Vagif Rzayev and Isa Isayev, APA reports. According to him, Shahaddin Abdullayev, Nuraddin Bandaliyev, Amrah Ahmadov, Firudin Asadov, Nariman Sadigov and others who came to Rustavi to convey the governor the complaints of the residents who didn't get land portion, told the village residents that the governor Zurab Melikishvili instructed to the region leadership to distribute the lands to the residents.
But region leadership offers the people only 80 hectare of dry-farming lands. Thus they demand that dry-farming and irrigated lands of the village should be given to them and they will distribute it among themselves: "Region leadership proposes sale of lands in auction. In this case, poor residents will not get lands".
The residents and region leadership came to an agreement that representatives of land department of Executive Power will go to the Damya Gorarkhi village and meet with the residents. They will have discussions there so as to come to common agreement.