International Chess Federation FIDE announced the first rating list of 2006.

Garry Kasparov is the top of the list as usual. He is 11 points ahead of the last world champion Vaselin Topalov (Bulgaria) who has 2812 points. Anand Viswanthan from India takes the third place (2792), Peter Svidler is the fourth (2795).
Leader of our national team Teymur Rajabov (2700) takes 19th place in the list. Our other grand master Shahriyar Mammadyarov left T.Rajabov behind first time. Our double world champion among the Youth takes 15th place with 2704 points. Our compatriot Vugar Hashimov is also among the 100 strongest chess players. He takes 90th place with 2625 points. None of our compatriots is among the 50 strongest women chess players.
As for the list of 20 strongest chess players of the world, Teymur Rajabov holds the first place, Vugar Hashimov 8th, Gadir Huseynov 11th. Russia holds the first place in the list of the countries. Azerbaijan with 14 grand masters and 15 international chess masters holds 13th place with 2591 points.