The Court of Appeals reviewed yesterday materials on the accident happened at "Bakusoveti" subway station on July 8. The reviewing of the complaints was ended in the process presided by Judge Hamid Hamidov for a reason of 6 victims withdrawing their complaints.
It must be noted that, 7 victims signed an appeal and Prosecutor Office of Sabayel district started a criminal case under 162.2 article (violation of labor safety rules causing human death by carelessness) of Criminal Code regarding the accident.
The accident happened on the second escalator of the station when its stairs suddenly dismantled. Passenger Vahid Akhundov died in a hospital and 18 others were injured including 2 children.
18 victims and 60 witnesses were inquired in the process of the investigation. Master of Escalator distance of Electromechanics Service of Baku Subway Namig Dadashov, escalator machinist Elkhan Aliyev and brigadier-fitter Renat Nizametdinova were accused of breaking safety rules and thus causing human death and injuries. However, the court of Sabayel district made decision to release them.