The "Gelap International" International Sociological Investigations Center held an inquiry for the purpose of familiarizing with attitudes of Azerbaijanis, Georgians, and Armenians to some countries and theirs first persons on April.

1000 persons representing different sections of the society from each country were drawn into the inquiry held in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia. According to the results of the inquiry, 51% of Azerbaijanis, 15% of Georgians, 87% of Armenians trust the Russian president Validimir Putin. An interesting figure obtained concerning the USA president George Bush. Though 45% of Georgians trust the USA president, this indicator is the same in Armenians and Azerbaijanis - 32%. Georgians trust the Ukraine president Victor Yushenko, - 64%.
This indicator in Azerbaijanis is 34, in Armenians is 27%. The attitude to the presidents of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia was also obtained. The results show that there is nobody trusting the Armenian president Robert Kocharyan. 19% of Georgians and 63% of Armenians trust him. 2% of Armenians, 38% of Georgians and 77% of Azerbaijanis trust the Azerbaijan president Ilham Aliyev. 45% of Azerbaijanis, 26% of Armenians and 72% of Georgians trust the Georgian president Mikhail Saakashvili.
The attitude to the Belarus president Aleksandr Lukashenko is distinctive. 22% of the people in Azerbaijan, 15% in Georgia, 40% in Armenia trust him. 38% of respondents think revolutionary real to take place in Russia, 26% of respondents think it real for a revolutionary to take place in Armenia and 17% of respondents think it real for a revolutionary to take place in Azerbaijan.
According to the prediction of the most of the respondents, the revolutionary will not take place in Azerbaijan and Armenia in the near future. 20% of the Armenian respondents and 17% of the Azerbaijan respondents consider that the Ukraine practice can be repeated in their country, too. 1/3 of the Russian respondents think it eal for this scenario to take place in Russia.