By Azernews
By Laman Ismayilova
Gloomy and cloudy weather is expected in Baku and Absheron peninsula on December 12. Southeast wind will blow.
The temperature will be +5,+8 °C at night, +9,+11 °C in the daytime, the Ecology and Natural Resources Ministry reported.
In Baku, the temperature will be +5+7 °C at night, +9+11 °C in the daytime.
Atmospheric pressure will be above the normal-766 mm mercury column. Relative humidity will be 70-80 percent.
Rainless weather is expected in the country's regions.
Fog will be observed in some places at night and in the daytime. West wind will blow.
The temperature will be +2,+7 °C at night, +8,+13 °C in the daytime.
In the mountains, the temperature will range from -3 °C to +2°C at night and +3,+7 °C during the day.
As for medical-meteorological forecast, air temperature is expected to be close to the climatic norm, which is favorable for meteo-sensitive people.