A fatal traffic accident took place in Sumgayit city. Main State Traffic Police Office reported that “VAZ-21015” car driven by city resident Aslanov Elnur Isgandar, born in 1983, hit the fence at Sahil street.
As a result of the accident, the driver and passengers of the car, residents of Sumgayit city Abishov Gunduz Ramiz, born in 1977, and Babayev Valeh Aghakishi died on the site. Nematov Eldar Muslum, born in 1976 was hospitalized.
The investigation is carried out into the fact.
Elnur Aslanov was a coach of the Azerbaijan national team for freestyle wrestling. Aslanov led the Azerbaijani freestyle wrestling team in XV “Champions” international tournament in Ankara. Orkhan Sharifov (84 kg) took the 3rd place in the tournament.