Georgia imported 620,000 tons of gasoline and diesel fuel In January-October 2011, which is 22,000 tons less than the same period of last year (642,000 tons), Georgian Association of Oil Products Importers reported on Monday.
According to the Association, during the first ten months of 2011 the country imported 301,000 tons of gasoline (317,000 tons in 2010) and 318,000 tons of diesel (324,000 tons).
The main bulk in Georgia's gasoline imports accounts for the fuel "regular" A-98 - 73 percent, "premium" A-95 - 24 percent, and "super" A-98 - 3 percent.
Imports of "regular" gasoline is carried out both from Azerbaijan and the European countries with regard to "super" and "premium", they are imported from Europe.
The main bulk in imported diesel fuel accounts for L-62 - 70 percent, while the remaining 30 percent accounted for Euro diesel.